Bad Malleus.

You told Fie you don't spy on her in the shower and you'll stick to that promise.

You saw nothing.

The heat rising to my face is more than enough to give away the entirety of the situation, the tips of my ear and my neck most likely a shade of pink that goes nicely with that of Fie's.

I'm missing my mate for more than the previous reasons now.

I have to clamp my lips shut in fear of a moan slipping past me when I lower my guard down.

I don't need to be turning into an overly hormonal horny wolf. Especially not Aldine the weirdos that consist of our travelling group. I just wish Fie were here. I'm sure she'd help me with the little scenario I've got going on.

Shifting my cloak further around me, I try my best for the soft black material to cover the lower half of my front, not wanting the guys thinking I'm acting up in a certain way because of them.

It's as if my feelings are changing frequencies from one channel to the next as once again the sudden ache of longing hits me once again. The fact of the matter being that my mate is miles away from me.

Great. I'm horny and lonely now and I'm not about to give these lot a break so I can sort myself out. My right hand has never been less unappealing to me after the sight of my mate has greeted my eyes.

My wolf pounding away at my thoughts causes me to let out a loud huff this time, not caring who notices now. Why can't I just be sulk in peace while my boner dies down?

It's because you're out here looking for stupid witches who are threatening to ruin everything and you're far away from your mate whom you left alone not even ten hours ago but you're a codependent little shit who's too whipped for his own good. Not only that, but a quick peaceful trip turned to absolute shit when Asha claimed it would be best if Rui stayed behind to defend the palace and more so what's important; my mate.

I was perfectly content with Apollo tagging along and a few others, our settlement party more than equipped enough to turn into a hunting party if the dynamics of the situation changes but oh no, of course that can't happen. Asha would just have to dig a little further and urge Ezra to come along, the man in question eager to keep his mate from danger by putting himself up for the duty even when no one asked him to.

"I can't wait to get home and back to Rui. It might not seem like it but boy oh boy has she turned something on in me-,"

"I can kill him." A harsh voice cuts through Ezra's voice, Kier's bluntness not taking anyone off guard since we're quite used to his disturbing comments whenever he does take the rare chance of speaking.

I sigh out loud, glancing from the man's hidden face and over to a pouty Ezra before shaking my head once, "I'd rather you not. Fie and Rui wouldn't like it if you did that and I didn't stop you."

A simple head nod is all I get, the man not bothered to go against me nor giving me an apt reply as he treks forward, most likely to quel every fibre in his body to stop from killing Ezra like I told him not to.

"How much further do we have to go?" This time Ezra asks a somewhat sensible question rather than his consistently annoying ones.

Glancing at him briefly, I then turn my direction to the tree filled scenery ahead of us, trying to roughly calculate so I can answer his question. "You're in luck. It's just a little bit ahead. Thaddeus should be here any moment now." I inform, thankfully this causing the man to shut up even if it is for a brief moment.

True to my words, it only takes but a few more steps till the man in the cloak appears. Thaddeus having set out before us so he could take his time in figuring out how to take us to the exact spot where the witches lair ought to be.

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