"Uhh no. I'm just here as his caretaker to get his basic care info and check his condition."

"To be very honest sir, his condition is not good at all. It's better than when he first got here. But he can't keep anything down for longer than 8 minutes it seems. His stomach got so used to not eating that he can't eat. And we can't give him any drugs for his mental illnesses, but the side effects are extreme. On top of that he can barely talk, he can't sleep unless we drug him, he might go into a medically induced coma for a few weeks, he's not gonna walk for 8-9+ weeks after he gets out of here, his levels in everything are extremely low, he's almost blind in one eye, his heart rate is too slow to get blood throughout his body fast enough and so he needs a constant source of blood in an Iv on both sides of wrist, he needs assistance for everything, even breathing and- I could go on and on but you get my point. His health is far below standard."

"I never realized it was that bad damn,"

"Do you still want to go up and see him, though?"

"Why not. I'm guessing it'll take long for you to print out a list of everything he needs."

"Exactly," she said before handing me a key with the room number on it. The room was on the 7th floor at the far end of the hallway. I unlocked the door opening it slowly as to not disturb him if he's still sleeping. I walked into the room shutting the door behind me. Instead of seeing your normal to get better soon cards and other kind gestures all I saw was different gifts and other things in 2 boxes labeled Death Threats and  other gifts. Both boxes were extremely full, the death threats especially. I picked one of the cards up and opened it. It literally read: I will fucking kill you in the most brutal way you fucking whore. When I see you you'll wish you were never born to that unknown bitch of a mom.

"Harsh, Jesus Christ."

Everyone that I picked up mentioned either a) I will fucking murder you and make you wish you weren't born or b) I'll burn you at the stake just like the rest of your family if they haven't already.  The curtain was drawn around his body. But I could still hear the cardiograph beep slowly. I drew back the curtain a little bit to see if he was awake. His entire body look even weaker in this form. It looked his face mostly wrapped up in medical dressing. It was the same as it was nine years ago. His eyes darted open quickly.  The cardiograph sped up as soon as he saw me. He started gasping for air and trying to push me away. Is this some sort of mental breakdown or something cause he's freaking the fuck out. I held my hands up to show him I meant no harm. Under the oxygen mask, he barely stuttered the words 'I'm sorry, please don't hurt me'. He focused in on my face and calmed down realizing who I was. The witch's arms weakly returned to his sides. 

"I'm not here to hurt  you, it's just, well, my classmates and I... We kind of burned down your house. And I felt a little guilty so I offered up my house for you to stay in for a while." Takanori looked at me directly in the eyes for a few seconds before looking down.

"I-t's f-fine," He managed before coughing violently."T-that h-house w-wasn't a-any good." he said coughing some more.  I see what that nurse meant by he can barely talk. His weakness was very present. It seemed as though half of his body weight had just disappeared and he was now just skin and bones. His eye, the one that was showing at least, was sunken in.

"Don't mind me asking but, what happened to the left side of your face."

"A g-gash," he said wincing in pain as he shifted slightly from his spot. Takanori's left arm was completely cast from his shoulder to his fingertips.

"I'm sure you must be in a lot of pain right now. Seeing that you literally are bandaged almost completely from head to toe"

He nodded slightly. A quiet knock sounded from the small door. The nurse from earlier stepped into the room with a small box in hand.

"Mr. Takanori, you have some mail. Also, Mr. Adrian, I have your papers." She said setting the box of letters next to the doorway and handing me a thick packet of papers.

"So for you, This packet contains instructions on everything he needs. Including a schedule on what medicine to give him on what day. There are pill names and side effects on pages 11-17. The pill bottles have the name of the pill and dosage on them. Otherwise, this packet (more like a book) is all." She told me in brief. Before picking the box up and sitting it next to his bedside.

"Since you are here, Mr. Adrian, you can read that entire box of letters to him. I don't feel like it today." The nurse finished before leaving the room. I have about 3 hours until I have to meet up with Ayushi and this should take about 1 so why not.

"This one is from an anonymous sender. It says:

Dear Witch, 

You killed my friend. I want you to get gang raped by a group of the grossest, oldest, ugliest, fattest men on this planet. You deserve all the hate that you get because you are a disgusting- Let's just not finish that one." 

"It's f-fine." He replied dryly. 


Midnight Insanity Seme!MaleOc x Ruki (boy X boy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang