
"Shit, shit, shit" he muttered as he saw the fountain from behind a tree. Why was the park so hard to navigate? And why on earth was it this full of people on a Tuesday night?

The sound of water rang through his ears. That was when Debussy La Mer decided to start playing in his brain. Shut up, you're not even beside a sea, it's a fuguing fountain. One part of him said.

But I like Debussy, do you have any problem with that? The other protested.

Yes! It is distracting you from more important stuff. You gotta find the man, if he hadn't already gone back home. The first answered.

"Shut up both of you! I need to concentrate," eddy snapped out loud before he even realized it. Two little kids who were playing beside him stopped talking and gave him weird looks.

Oops. He continued forward.

Too many people for his taste. The introvert inside him wanted to go somewhere else, somewhere less crowded. Why did the organization choose this place out of all the places in Brisbane? He can't use magic here if anything happened.

He circled around the huge fountain. Were is he waiting for him? He passed beside numerous benches, searching for the familiar face through there occupants. That went on forever. Until he heard that.

Tchaikovsky violin concerto... someone was humming it. It wasn't loud between all the noise around him, but it was loud in Eddy's trained ears. It was beautiful, really beautiful.

He couldn't not hum along. He couldn't not look around and search for the person humming.
He spotted the source of the music. It was his partner, Brett Yang himself.

Eddy looked at him and fought the urge to laugh. Jordon told him that they chose a strong person for this mission, but this man was smaller, shorter and more innocent looking than himself.

Don't judge, he told himself. He may be strong in other ways.

He stared at the cute round face, with round black rimed glasses that covered his delightful brown eyes.

Bangs of his disheveled raven black hair covered his forehead, and a smile tugged on his small pink lips.

"Took you long enough, Mr. Chen" he said in his sweet voice, breaking Eddy's trance.

Eddy ran his hand through his hair. "Sorry I made you wait this long, Yang."

"Brett, just call me Brett." He said. "They warned me that you never come on time, but I didn't expect an hour and a half late." Brett laughed.

"Sorry," he said awkwardly. So much for trying to be confident.

"It's okay!" Brett smiled. His smile was so beautiful. It made Eddy smile too. So much for being a hard leader as the others said about him.

"Can we go to somewhere less crowded? We have important stuff to discuss," he asked Brett.
The other nodded, and they headed to the back of the park.


The walk there wasn't as awkward as Brett expected it to be. His partner, Edward was more easygoing than he thought.

"So are you a musician too?" Edward asked. So he had heard him humming Tchaikovsky. That was embarrassing. What if he had hummed out of tune or something.

"Yeah, I'm a violinist." He answered.

"Oh me too!" His partner said.

And that was were the dam broke. It felt like they talked for hours about music, music and music. When the subject is music, both of them can't shut up.

Turns out they both like the same pieces of music, admire the same soloists, and go to the same university.

"How come I've never seen you in uni, Edward?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the other burst out laughing. Brett was dumbfounded. Did he say anything wrong?

"Don't call me Edward. No one does, and it feels weird," he laughed. "Eddy, just Eddy."

Brett laughed too. "Nice to meet you Eddy." He was really happy they got along. "Jordon refused to tell me anything about you. He wanted me to have a "real" first impression of you," he told Eddy.

"He didn't tell you anything but the fact that I'm always late, huh" Eddy blurted. Brett chuckled in response. "We'll see about that, Jordon."

"But he said we'll get along nicely, and we did, right..?"

"Yeah, we did."

Brett looked at his watch.


An hour? They've been here for an hour?

"We've been here for an hour, Eddy, but we didn't talk about the mission yet."

Eddy looked at him, the happy expression on his face replaced by a serious one. "The mission, yeah, I almost forgot about that."


//a.n. Hope you liked the first chapter!

I may or may not make this into a breddy fanfic, so if you want that please comment it!

As for the next ones, I dunno how soon I'll update, coz school T-T. But hopefully soon!! Love y'all❤️! Plz like comment and vote//

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