Lucci x Reader {Sorry I'm Late}

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"I guess he's not coming" Lucci should have been on time. I knew he worked late nights at the shipyard on the weekends but this was an important day. For goodness' sake, it was Mother's Day and here I was alone. He should have at least come to see me during his lunch but oh no I wasn't good enough for that privilege. "Stupid jerk, things he can play with my feelings. Tsk. I'll show him" Our child had gone to sleep a while ago but I still had a couple more hours before I'd head to bed. Still, that didn't stop me from locking the front door and sliding the chain in place for good measure.

"He can sleep somewhere else for the night" Heading back to the couch I picked up my book and started to read.


I could have ignored my baby's crying although I need that wasn't going to work out in my favor. She wasn't the type of baby to cry herself back to sleep, I needed to go in there and comfort her. "It's alright, my l- Lucci, how in the hell did you get in here?" I had checked on my little one just ten minutes ago and Lucci hadn't been in here but now he was. The man couldn't have come through the front door so that made me question how he got into the house.

"Lucci, how did you get into my house? Oh my God! You're getting mud on my floors! Take your shoes off!" He was staying quiet as usual however did as I asked. There was mud still on the floor and pooling where he sat his shoes although his attention was on our baby. Since he wasn't speaking to me, I decided to leave the room. Oh, but the moment he came out here I was going to get him a piece of my mind.

After about ten minutes Lucci walked out of the bedroom before he started toward me. Oh, but he didn't get to do that right now. "Lucci. Take yourself back into that room and clean up your mess. I don't care if you have to get down on your knees but I want that mud cleaned up" Again he stayed quiet. His little silent treatment wasn't going to last long, I knew he could speak. He might not have spoken at work although at home was a completely different story. "Oh, hello Hattori. I didn't notice you. So, how did Lucci get inside? He crawled through the window like a creep, right?" When the little pigeon nodded his little head, I got my answer.

"Thank you. I knew you'd tell me. Did you want a coffee? I still have a pot in the kitchen" Hattori was a strange bird although I knew he would enjoy a nice cup after his long day at work. When he nodded his head, I stood up to go get him a cup. "Alright, I'll be right back" It didn't take me long and after I sat it down, I decided to have a little discussion with him. "Here you go, Hattori. So, what was the little weirdo Lucci up to all day?... Hm, what are you looking a- Oh, it's you. Did you clean up your mess Lucci?" I had expected him to just appear although as Lucci tried to nod his head I cut him off.

"What was that Lucci? You can get away with not speaking at work but this is my house and you'll follow my rules" I wanted his man to speak and while he didn't have to listen, he must have found some common-sense while he was away. "Yes, the mud is cleaned up" That was good, it was one less thing for me to worry about. "That's better." Kicking my feet up on the table I returned to my own cup of coffee oh but little Lucci wasn't quite done. "(Y/n), I'm sorry for arriving late. There was something I needed to take care of before returning home. I'm sorry for ruining your day. I knew you were looking forward to it"

Did this man really think I was his mother? No offense to him but I already spent the entire day with my little baby. "Lucci, you didn't ruin my day. I got to spend the entire with our little girl. Having you here would have been nice but I understand you're busy with work. Just next time... don't lie to me! I was waiting all evening since you said you'd be here at six. Do you know what time it i-mffff"

"With that screaming, you will wake up the entire block. I already told you I was sorry. You are not allowed to complain about it anymore. Where is your supper? There weren't any dishes in the sink except a baby bottle and your three coffee mugs" I had no reason to lie although I didn't want a scolding from Lucci. "How do you know I didn't do the dishes myself?" He knew me too fine for that lie to be believable. "You never do the supper dishes. I do them when returning from work. Now, I am going to make you something to eat. Wait here and give me that mug"

He didn't even give me time to react before my mug was stolen from my hands. "Hey! I wasn't done with that yet!" I knew the mug was long gone but that didn't stop me from trying to grab it back from him, he refused to let him have it. "(Y/n) we both know this is at least your tenth cup today. You have developed a dependence on it despite your dislike of coffee" That number seemed a little high. Maybe I had five cups but ten seemed ridiculous. Still, I refused to waste my breath fighting over such a small detail. "Well, fair enough. Can you water my plant while you're in there?"

"I watered it this morning" Well, he could have told me that this morning. "Oh, thank you" Maybe Lucci wasn't the worse partner in the world after all. "Happy Mother's Day (Y/n). I lo- I look forward to tomorrow" That was strange Lucci had cut himself off before he could say something but I quickly moved on.

"Hmm? Yeah, I look forward to tomorrow too"



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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