𝙭𝙞𝙞𝙞. 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮

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"Ohh Ohh Lover Boy"

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"Ohh Ohh Lover Boy"

time: 3:32 pm Y/n's POV

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time: 3:32 pm
Y/n's POV

It was the day after Kuroo's party, Kurasono had their game against Nekoma. Me and Ru had just gotten out of school, we were going to my house for a bit before having to head over. Today had been a surprisingly chill  type of day, we didn't smoke or anything with the boys at least, since they  had a longer practice than usual.

"Y/n? You and Suna are good now right?" Ru asked as me and her drove to my house.

"Yea, thankfully I just hope we can stay that way yk?" I said changing the song

"Well I'm rooting for you guys, I really hope it stays that way" She smiled at me slightly

We finally pulled up to the house, parking in the driveway and making our way inside. I go to the kitchen and start to make some food since I had a habit of not eating at school.

"Y/NNNNNNNN DID YOU SEE WHAT SUNA POSTED ON HIS STORY!" Ru came running into the room screaming.

"what did he post?" I asked leaning over the counter

She hands me the phone showing a picture of me and Suna, I was laying on top of him as he took a mirror picture. He had put "well y/n's mine", while Ru was shocked at this, honestly I wasn't. I didn't mind at all honestly, it was nice to be shown off like that.

"That's cute! Atsumu doesn't post me often because of his stupid fan girls" Ru sighed.

It had sucked for them since she was always getting harassed at school. It had happened so many times, her teachers started letting her be late to avoid all those girls.

"Hey can I borrow your crop top and your baggy jeans?" Ru asked running to the room.

"Yea I don't care" I said following behind her.

I always dress in skirts in stuff, it's my everyday thing now. Ru says I always over dress but I really don't care. I get out a black skirt, lace body suit and some high stockings.

"You always overdress" Ru said as she fixed her lose waves she had done quickly. But hey in my defense her outfit wasn't the most casual.

We finished getting ready and started to head over to the game finally. We were in the car vibing to the music. We sang along singing to each other as if me and her were in love.

Hey in my defense me and Ru dated our first year at Inarizaki. But we decided things would be better as friends. If anything I would go back to her but eh.

We finally arrived to the game to see the boys of Inarizaki. They were all sitting on the top row of the bleachers, Rin and Astumu spot us and call us over to the seats right next to them.

"Now who invited you guys here?" Ru said laughing as she sat next to Astumu cuddling next to him.

"Kuroo did, So we came yk?" Aran  said as he snacked on his chips.

I sat next to Suna resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me playing with my hair a bit while we just waited for the game to start.

"I saw ur post Rin, officially claiming me as urs?" I asked facing up at him smiling.

He chuckle and nodded his head "You've always been mine y/n. Don't think any different"

He really just? After? All? Okay okay whatever he says. I laugh and notice the game is about to start in 10 minutes.

"Wait wait i'll be back I have to annoy Kageyama" I smiled getting up and heading down the bleachers.

"KAGS" I yell as I slightly run towards the angry 1st year.

I give him a hug, which surprisingly he returned.

"Y/n? You actually came" He said nervously looking around

"LOOK PRETTY GIRL" I heard a voice behind Kageyama yell. Then another voice yelling "HOLY SHIT".

I see two boys run over. One being short with a blonde strip in his hair and the other one had a buzz cut.

"Hey i'm Noya and this is Tanaka" The short boy smiled

"Y/n" I said ruffling his fluffy hair a bit.

He began to blush really hard and well passed out. Huh? Why? I'll never understand boys.

"Y/n baby. I think it's time we go back and sit, they have a game to play" I hear Suna's voice come from behind me as his hand grips onto my shoulder tightly.

"Suna's right but it was nice seeing u again Kags i've missed you! And it was nice meeting you two!" I said as Suna wrapped his arm around me and we walked to our seats together.

"Awww she has a boyfriend, Too bad she's hot" I hear from behind.

I chuckle as Suna looked like he wanted to kill them.

"Hey Lover Boy i'm urs remember" I say grabbing his face and giving him a small kiss.

We get back to out seats and see Kuroo and Kenma talking to everyone.

"KENMA" I yell as I hug the pudding looking setter.

"Hey y/n you look beautiful" He said as he hugged me back

"Thanks Kenma, you better win this game" I say as I sit down and he stands in front of me.

"Heyy Kuroo!" I say as the messy haired boy bent down to hug me.

"Hey y/n. Hey Suna" Kuroo said dapping up Suna or whatever it's called.

"As much as I love Kageyama, you guys better win or imma make Nekoma run down the street in their underwear" I smirked.

The two boys looked terrified, since they knew I would actually make them do it.

"Well good luck guys!"


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