homestuck episode eight john gets exposed (again)

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rose: guys were you on my stream????

dave: no lol

jade: nah

rose: well i saw john commenting on my stuff 😤😤

jade: ok and

rose: im going to cancel him again

dave: OMG count me in 🤗

john was thinking of ways to get back at his ex friends but he ws interupted by a flow of tiktok coments

dilffuckerr453: i cant believe you did that....😬❌

the.official_hussie: DOUBLE CANCELLED😑😑

he then opened hsi discord to find out people were texting him his address and credit card info....

"omg.. did i just get DOXXRD" sid jonh

john decidied it was time to drive back to his home to make sure everythign wss safe...

but when he got back he saw his house was GONE??!!?🤨🤨

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