Chapter 11: Extreme U-hauling

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She can see some of them starting to smile, despite their nerves. The lure of food and proper sleep is undeniable. "We can even bathe," she adds for additional bribery.

"Without any river monsters?" one of the younger ones calls out. "But how will we get properly clean?" Now there's some more laughter. Gradually, the fear of the stern warriors behind them is ebbing away, probably helped by the fact that a gesture of Lexa's has caused all weapons to be reluctantly dropped.

"Okay," Clarke continues. "It will take two days to walk to Polis, and we can stay overnight at a place called TonDC. The plan is to leave tomorrow morning. Everyone should get their things together and get some sleep. Heda has promised that her warriors will stand guard so we don't need to worry about mountain lions or anything." She turns and nods to Lexa, the agreed upon signal.

Lexa nods back and strides forwards, Anya and ten warriors matching her pace. "Greetings, Sky People," she says. Her voice is quiet, but it hardly matters since everyone had gone silent the second she moved. "I believe you will like Polis. We will try and find families for you to stay with or empty houses for you to share, and trades for you to learn if you wish. We have brought dried meat to give you strength for the trip tomorrow." Two Grounders behind her heave off backpacks and open them. They're filled with the Trikru version of jerky, which Clarke knows from experience is far tastier than any food the 100 have managed to produce since they got to the ground.

There's a pause where no one wants to be the first to go near the group of Grounders, then before Bellamy can stop her Octavia strides forward and grabs some strips of meat. She throws one to Jasper and one to Monty and bites into her own. "Delicious," she says through a mouthful, looking back at the others like she's daring them to come join her. Then all of the 100 are coming forward, bickering over how many pieces they get each, some snatching them off their neighbours.

"Goufas," Clarke hears Anya hiss to Lexa.

"Shof op, Anya," Lexa replies, not looking away from Clarke.

Clarke flushes at the hidden warmth of her stare, then turns to her side when someone grabs her arm. It's Bellamy. "We need to talk," he says to her in an undertone, and drags her into the drop ship, nearly bruising her arm. She manages to turn her head and give Lexa a reassuring look before they're inside, and Lexa lets her hand slide off the hilt of her sword.

"What the hell, Clarke," he says once they're in there, sounding so much like Octavia that for once she can really see their family resemblance.

Speaking of Octavia... "What're you guys talking about?" She follows them into the drop ship, Monty and Jasper at her heels, all still tearing at the jerky cheerfully.

"Great, it's a party," Bellamy says sarcastically as Finn and Wells climb in too.

"I wanted to talk to you," Wells says to Clarke quietly.

Clarke smiles at him. "I needed to talk to you too." She takes a deep breath. "I need you to stay at TonDC. I want you to be one of the people we leave here to keep an eye out for the others."

"Are you staying here?"


"Then I'm not either."

"Yes, you are," Clarke says fiercely. "Please, Wells. I need someone I trust here, and I need you to be safe." She swallows. "There'll be less opportunity for me and Finn to keep an eye on you in Polis, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of the others – Murphy, for example – did something to hurt you. Stay here. I'll come back soon." She meets his reluctant eyes and says "Please" again.

Because he's Wells, he backs down. "All right," he says, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I'll stay with him," Finn volunteers.

Lightning Only Strikes Once - ClexaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora