We crawl to the end of the wardrobe where her dresses are.
"If she opens there she won't be able to see our feet." Sydney explains. We both carefully stand up. It's hard because it's dark.

Then the wardrobe door slides open and Sydney pushes me to the floor as in to talk and Delly would see me. I fall back and slide down the wall and Sydney falls with me. We end up very close in a small space.

We hear Delly sigh and start to to move the clothes like she's looking through them.

Sydney grabs me and we both squish up together. To make ourselves smaller and less notices able I put Sydney on my lap and sit against the wall. She hugs her knees in my lap and I bend my knees.

We both sit there feeling awkward be said of how close we are. But we don't dare speak. Delly is a few steps away from us.

Someone else comes running up the stairs and though I can just about see Sydney looking at me. I lol at her back. We both share a panicked look. Another person up here. Another person to find us.

Tell me it's not Abbie.

But when the person reaches the top step they walk into dellys room.
"What do you want." Katniss says.

Why is Katniss up here!?

"Abbie got called down to a bakery of some sort." Delly says and shuts the wardrobe. NO. All the sounds are muffled now.

I sit there sighing like Sydney when the wardrobe door opens again.


"Stop looking at your clothes and talk to me!" Katniss shouts. Delly sighs.

i look to where peers is sitting. he can't hear anything but i can.

"I don't care who told you! You can't tell Peeta." Katniss pleads.
"Why not? Abbie seemed fine about it! And peetas mum and Abbie dad, now that would be a great story to tell..."

"I don't think Abbie would want you to tell." Katniss points out.

"I don't think I care. Abbie caught her dad in the action and he threatens to send her to boarding school if she told. It would be easier for me if she went. She's kind of boring anyway." Delly says.

"You just can't tell him!" Katniss shouts.

"Why not?" Dellys says.

"Because peetas mum threatens me that she would... I can't say." Katniss walks over to the wardrobe and Delly stops moving the clothes on the coat hangers in her out her wardrobe.

"I'm begging you. I will do anything just don't tell him."

I finally put everything together. Peetas mum is having an affair with Abbies dad and Abbie and Katniss knew. But they couldn't say anything.

"You'll do anything?" Delly asks.

"Brake up with Peeta." Dellys says. WHAT?
"If you look at it from a bigger point of view you are protecting him." Delly persuades. From the silence from Katniss I know she's considering it.
"How." Katniss says. Her voice is shaking so she must be near to tears.
"Call him right now. And brake up. And we will never speak of this again." I hear someone sniff and then a phone dial.

I quietly search my pockets for my phone. and tell peers to do the same. he looks alarmed and doesn't search.
"tell me what they are saying?" he whispers.
"katniss is keeping something from you." i reply. "ask her!"

Delly comes back over to the wardrobe and starts look through clothes only quicker. I then hear peetas phone start to ring by the door and I hear Delly mutter 'dam'.
"You'll have to do it in person then." She says.
"Do you know where he is?" Katniss asks.

"Downstairs with Sydney." I hear Katniss start walking out the room.
"Actually they went upstairs probably to.." Delly laughs.
"No he would to do that to me." Katniss says.
"Katniss, if he heard this I think he would be thinking the same thing." Delly says. Katnis goes downstairs.

For once I agree with Delly.

I can't believe she's gonna give in to dellys blackmail. And peetas mums.


Delly sorts thorough some more clothes and she getting close and closer to the edge of the wardrobe where we are hiding. I put my arms around Sydney and pull her to me. We're both panicking so much.
"Where is that pink t-shirt!" Delly shouts at her self and slams the wardrobe door closed.

We don't dare move untill we hear her running back downstairs.

I release my grip around Sydney and we both manage to get out of the wardrobe.
"Peeta I know what you think." Sydney says. "and i'll tell you."

sydney tell mrs about delly blackmail katniss over something about my mum. she is very specific which makes me suspicious.

"But you need to find out what you mum said to Katniss to keep her from telling." he finished.

Maybe Sydney's right.

Then she grabs my hand and takes me to the window.
Annie is now there it's finnick and they are talking.
"Come on!" Sydney says. "We need to tell them the truth."
"The truth?" I ask.
"Explain when we get there." She says.

I grab my phone. Then Sydney leads me out the front door and around the house that way. I'm thankful. I don't want to see Katniss just yet.

We see Annie and finnick up in the balcony. Sydney races up some stairs around the corner.

where did they come from?!

Anyway, u follow her and when finnick and Annie see us they get really confused.

That's when Sydney tells them the truth.

So what happened was dally was really angry at Annie and made herself think that she need to get revenge on you so she sent that text message.

Finnick and Annie are overwhelmed. But I can't tell they both just want to kiss eachother. Sensing this me and Sydney make our way back down the stairs.

We're about to back to the Garden to join in the party. I'm a bit hesitant.
"Do you just wanna get out of here?" Sydney asks.
"Yeah." She smiles at me.

We get into my car and drive off.
"Where we going?" Sydney asks.
I reply almost instantly, "anywhere but here."


I havnt updated in ages so you may all be Thinking YOU LIAR YOU SAID YOU WOULD UPDATE! And I know I said that and I'm sorry.

But how did you like the chapter??

How do you feel about Sydney now? Is she really a good person? Or does she just like Peeta?

What about Katniss and dellys convocation? Didn't see that coming.

Hope you liked it!


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