Brads POV

I haven't seen Sara since ... lets call it the incident. The thing is all I want is nothing more than to hear her knocking on my door because if I could see Sara's face once more I could die a happy man I'm sure. When she said her last goodbyes I died a little bit inside I don't really want to admit it but I lay in tears in bed all night I just felt so alone with out her by my side. The thing is if she loved me then why did she do that then leave me? All I wanted and all I needed was to find somebody like her. She brought out the best in me, apart of me that I never thought existed. She took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was made for movie screens. I can't help thinking that if she loved me then why would she leave me?

I don't know what to say to her or how to say it I was still very much in love with Sara but she broke my heart and that's not something I can forget easily. I picked up I piece of paper and a pen. I began to write down a letter to her.

Dear Sara
I'm getting tired of asking you. This is the final time! I just want to know if I made you happy because you cried an ocean and there's a thousand lines about they way you smiled that have been written in my mind but I guess that every single word has been a lie. I never wanted anything to end this way but you can take a blue sky and turn it grey. You made me a promise that you would love me forever and not do anything to hurt me and I made the same promise to you. Everything has changed and now I'm looking at you from another point of view and I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you! I'd never wish for anyone to feel the way I do. Maybe it was supposed to happen. These past couple of weeks I have learned that I'm better of without you. So you can just leave and don't you come back to me to try and make things right!

I don't really know how to sign of this letter to you but I guess the most appropriate way would be goodbye forever Sara we have had lots of goods times and also bad, I guess in the end we weren't meant to be and you showed me that

I found a envelope and stamp and sent it to Sara's house hoping that I had said everything I needed to.

*one week later*

Lauren's POV

Today we were going to record to our last single and hopefully release it at the end of the week so then we could announce the plans for our final show. We did ask Sara if she could come and do her part on the single but she said that know one would be able to tell if she's there or not. Which means I'll be on lead guitar as well as vocals which I don't mind. I booked out the studio that we recorded our first single in, I hoped that it would bring back some good memories to help Georgina, Brooke and I forget about all the bad things that have happened recently.

When the two girls arrived we began brainstorming what we want the song to be about before we began writing lyrics or recording anything. We didn't want any help from other song writers with this because we want it to be personal for us and the fans.
"What about a slow, sad song because we are about to break up and not for good reasons. So I think the song should symbolise the end" Georgina spoke up to incorporate her idea
"Yeah I agree with Georgina this should be symbolic of the end of us as a band" I added and Brooke nodded. She was still shook up about what has happened. She broke of the engagement to James, but who knows what the future has in stall for us.
"I have an idea for the song title I want to know what you think of it. How about simply calling it the end?" I said after thinking about it. Both the girls agreed and we started working on song lyrics. We wanted this song to be really personal to the band.

We came in the next day and finished writing and we started to record. The recording was done over two days and when it was finished we put together the song and by Friday it was finished and ready to be released. We said that we were going to release it as soon as we were finished with recording it. So once it was done we sent it to all the radio stations to play it when they can. I was sat in the car in the carpark of the recording studio crying my eyes out I turned on the radio on just in time to hear the presenter say
"We have just received Sunday Skyline's last single, we also have a message from the girls to all of their fans. Here we go the message say dear skyliners we really appreciate all of your support throughout our career and we can tell you that it has been one hell of a roller coaster but the thing with roller coasters is you always have to get of at some point. The reason that the band is breaking up is for personal reasons and it has nothing to do with you. We have one final farewell announcement the single is not the end of us just yet we have hired out Hyde park in London for one last show for all you skyliners to come to and the best part is it's free so it would been a lot if as many of you could come and see us perform for one last time. Thank you for everything lots of love Sunday skyline. Well wasn't that sad I am crying, now time to play their last single called the end here goes

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