
"(Y/n) is a...mysterious, women. She holds his bright personality and such a positive smile, I believe I've never seen her once have a frown. But, why does it feel like she is hiding something?"


"The Energiro Archon? She's powerful, I will say that. She comes to Angel's Share sometimes to get a drink, never alcohol though. She also brings this strange tea, which seems to sober up Venti, somewhat."


"I like (Y/n), she doesn't like alcohol either! She gives me these tea leaves that I can boil and give to daddy! He gets sober much quicker because of it."


"(Y/n)? My dear member of my retinue is the only one who can gain the full trust of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Her powers could never hold a candle to mine, but she is quite powerful."

"She also likes to bring mein Fräulein pastries and other treats from all across Teyvat."



"Bia is a very organized women. She oversees the Land of Prosperity, and they provide a large percentage of Teyvats food supplies. She used to come over to the Jade Palace and have some tea with me and Lady Ningguan. She brings Audre along, which is really nice."

Hu Tao

"(Y/n) is such a buzzkill sometimes! When I want to go get new customers, she always declines my offer! But when it comes to investigations, she'll be the first one traveling with me. I wonder if she can see spirits, since she always seems to look around in some kind of daze. Her and Zhongli seem to know each other quite well though, I wonder if they have some kind of history together. Now I'm curious!"


"The Goddess of Energiro is a very kind women. She visits Mondstadt and helps Lisa with her inventions, and sometimes they work perfectly and help Mondstadt greatly. Though, I would greatly appreciate it if she wouldn't jump off the Cathedral with Amber to race."


"She is quite gorgeous may I say, but she doesn't like wine. Who wouldn't like the wine Mondstadt produces? She is one mysterious girl may I say. She always has this deep in thought look on her face, I wonder why."


"Lady (Y/n) is a very kind women. She helps me with official business sometimes, and she helps me organize all my work. Sometimes she'll have a meal with me. It's always nice to listen to her stories."

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