Chapter 2 - Sparks.

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When Alisa first stepped foot into this house, I was pissed by her. Right when I was told my father and his wife wanted to adopt a child, I wondered why. I also learnt that they had personally gone to the orphanage, from whence Alisa had been adopted, and specially to request that she was specifically adopted. It was foolish of me to not have suspected a thing, then. Although I wondered why they wanted another child, I didn't say much to voice my displeasure.

We, Kambili and I, were told to welcome her like we would welcome our own. But I knew I wasn't about to do any of that. I didn't want her here. But she came anyway. First thing I disliked about her, was the fact that she was nosy. She didn't know when to stop asking questions, and didn't know how to respect personal space. I hated the fact that she was particularly interested in matters that concerned me. She'd ask so many stupid questions, that it made me want to pull my hair out. But those questions soon began to leave cracks on the wall I'd built up for myself. Some stuff she said began to get into my head. I was losing composure real quick. Then, the fact that she was also very talkative and annoying. Jeez! Alisa was really annoying.

I hated the fact that she wanted to know everything, when she'd only just arrived. I hated the fact that she didn't level her tongue and trim her thoughts, and at least keep her opinions to herself. She spoke without reasoning. She made her points clear and voiced her opinions without a bother. Wasn't she ever scared of getting kicked out? Because I was sure-as-hell that her appearance only created room for drama.

All these things happened in such a short time, but it was only then that I fully came to understand something. And that was: the fact that it wasn't her fault. Entirely. Sure, she did really crazy stuff which I felt she shouldn't have, but I felt she was also a victim here. I mean, at the end, she was the one with bullets penetrated into her stomach. Although the doctors managed to get the bullets out, she was still in a coma.

Two things could have caused that coma. One, the shock from it. And two, the fact that she was shot using a sniper. The speed from the bullet must've affected her spine or must've really damaged some organs. But I was no doctor, so what did I know?


I still couldn't fathom the reason why she got shot. I mean, what hand did she have in any of this? She was completely out of the picture, so what must've been so important about her that got her dragged into all this? After having all these thoughts, then I realized something, too.

Alisa was no ordinary girl.

There was something about her that had a hand in all other mishaps that took place. Like, why on Earth did all these have to happen the second she arrived? Why all the chaos? And WHY on Earth did a lady and her daughter barge back here, calming to be Alisa's biological mother?

That didn't sit well with me. If anything, it only confused the sh*t out of me. Like, why? Why did everything have to happen within the space of time Alisa got here? Sure, my family wasn't perfect before she got here — in fact, it was far from perfect — but at least no one got shot. At least no one else died after my mother did. At least we could stand each other. But things changed! Things frickin changed, and we had no control. Absolutely no control over any of it.

Why I was thinking about this? Well, that was because I just couldn't sleep. And the feeling of not being able to sleep, happens to create room for the craziest thoughts. You'd think of everything, and anything. But fortunately, I was slowly beginning to get sleepy again. I heaved a tired sigh, and a yawn escaped from my lips. I took that as my cue to go back to sleep, but the minute I lay down to sleep again; my alarm went off. It was time for me to get off of my bed, and get dressed for school.

(#2) 𝕆𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕟.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt