Chapter 8

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"The kid's breaking inside," Sam addressed the fact in the spacious conference room that had two empty spaces that won't be filled anymore.

"Yeah, he's hiding everything in. That's not healthy," Bucky, for once, agreed with Sam.

"He doesn't talk to anyone but Morgan," Pepper says "It's been days since he moved in with us, and not once have I seen him cry. He needs help."

"What can we say to a boy who practically lost every single parent figure he had in his life?" Happy speaks up.

"You don't," Wanda retorts.

"Hey! Can you at least be sympathetic about it?" Happy raises his voice.

"I'm sorry, but Stephen and I've been thinking and," Wanda starts.

"This was the only outcome that emerged victoriously and bringing back Tony would only take us back to square one but maybe reviving Ms. Romanoff won't," Stephen finishes.

"What are you saying?" Steve asks, with hope evident in his eyes.

"I'm saying we have unfinished business in the past and we will be using the last Pym Particle to finish it so why not also use it bring Romanoff back?"

"But it means that we never got the soul stone. Won't it take us back to step one?"

"We'll be returning the stone, Captain. Bringing back Romanoff should be simple logic." Stephen explains. "You just have to get through the Red Skull first."

"The what now? He died in the forties!" Steve exclaims.

"That's where you're wrong, Captain. He got sucked into the Tesseract, which transported him to Vormir. For him, it has been centuries since the war."

"Well, gives me a chance to kill him properly this time." Steve declares an stands up. "I'll gear up in 10. Bruce prep the machine."


"Okay, so return everything to its original timeline and bring back Natasha in exchange for returning the Soul Stone. Killing the red guy is a bonus, okay? Not a priority." Bruce goes through the plan.


"Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you," Bucky smiles and gives Steve a hug. "Seriously, take care."

"I will," Steve's helmet pops up and he stands on the machine, ready with Mjolnir in one hand and the case containing the stones in the other.

"How long is this going to take?" Sam inquires.

"For him as long as he needs. For us, five seconds." Bruce explains. "3. 2. 1."

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Bruce turns the switch but instead of two people, only a red-headed Russian assassin comes back. Natasha falls to her knees as she tries to regain her breath. All three rush to her help.


"You're back!"

"Where's Steve?"

After a few moments, Nat finally answers, "Look over to that bench there,"

All heads turn to the bench near the lake, there's an old man sitting there. Sam and Bucky both look a each other and Bucky nods for Sam to talk to him.

"We did it, Nat. We brought everyone back." Bruce talks.

"Yeah, Steve filled me up on everything since I left." Natasha replies. "You guys did it. I don't mean to sound rude since you're the one who brought me back and everything, but is Clint here?"

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