i. The Beginning

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"How did you know?" Momo was confused. She had been dating Jeongyeon for a few months now but she kept it hidden from Mina to surprise her when they'd meet in person.

"Jeongyeon told me" Mina lied.


"I'm kidding!" Mina laughed. "Your mom told me"

"Ugh" Momo groaned "I was trying so hard to hide it from you to surprise you but my mom just spoils you"

Mina laughed. She missed talking to Momo a lot.

"So when did you guys finally confess?" Mina asked, making sure to emphasize the word 'finally'.

"Two months after you left and what do you mean finally?" Momo raised her eyebrow.

Mina rolled her eyes. "When you broke up with Heechul you weren't that sad and it's also so obvious that even Dahyun picked up on it"

Momo whined and playfully punched Mina's shoulder which made Mina laugh harder.

"Speaking about Dahyun"

Mina stopped laughing and paid attention to her friend.

"She found a way to get back at Nayeon" Momo slowly trailed off as she noticed her friend's change of mood at the mention of her ex.

"I'm sorry" Momo apologized once she noticed the other wasn't speaking. "I shouldn't have brought it up, I'm really sorr-"

Mina cut her off with a small sigh. "It's okay, unnie. It's just been a while since I heard her name."

Mina smiled at the older Japanese girl. "So how do we do that?"

"I'll tell you when we meet Dahyun" Momo enthusiastically grabbed Mina's hand and led her to her car. Mina on the other hand had to hastily leave a hundred dollar bill on the table before grabbing her bag and allowing to be dragged by her bestfriend.

"We'll pick up, Dahyun and she'll explain on the way." Momo stated as they both got in the car. Mina just nodded in response and allowed her bestfriend to take her to their close friend.

This was her group of friends. Momo and Jeongyeon were in the same level as her so they were classmates while Dahyun was Jeongyeon's younger cousin. Although Dahyun was only a year younger than them, they'd always hang out at Jeongyeon's home during the weekends so the four became close over their high school years.

Mina rolled her window down. The refreshing air of Seoul softly hitting her face as Momo drove through the freeway. She sighed. She missed this a lot. She admitted that she did regret moving back to Japan after the break up since it meant leaving a lot of things behind in Korea, more specifically Seoul. She spared a quick glance at her bestfriend who had her eyes on the road. She smiled as she remembered when they first drove in Momo's car after their graduation.

After a few turns here and there, the older Japanese girl slowed down and parked her car at the side of the road. Mina looked to her left to see that they had already arrived at a home.

"Who's home is this?" Mina asked, squinting as if she couldn't see but she was trying to remember if who lived in here.

"Mine and Jeongie's home" Momo gave her a toothy smile.

Mina gasped, her eyes widened at what Momo said. She quickly went over to her side to look at the house better.

"You didn't tell me you guys lived together now" Mina was in awe at how cute she thought it was that they had decided to settle down together.

"Well" Momo blushed as she looked down.

Mina teased her even more.

"Aish, enough with that" Momo scolded her, still red from her teasing. "Let's get Dahyun."

The two went inside the storey-home. "Dahyun-ah!" Momo called. Soon enough, their pale skinned friend came running down from the second floor.

"Mina-unnie!" She hugged Mina. Mina laughed and returned the hug.

"I miss you too tofu" Mina said into the embrace.

"Never leave us again" Dahyun pouted when they released from the hug.

Momo answered for her. "She won't" She winked

Mina was confused.

"Unless you don't want revenge on Nayeon then maybe she will"

Mina immediately shook her head. "I'm done hiding. She left me broken and devastated, I think it's only fair I return the favor"

"Yey!" Momo and Dahyun cheered.

Mina and Dahyun made their way to the car while Momo stayed to lock the house before following the two and getting into the driver's seat.

"So what's the plan?" Mina asked enthusiastically. Momo started the car and started driving to the freeway.

"We're gonna meet my friend. If she's going to agree and make a deal with us, she'll make a plan and be the mastermind of the plan to get back at Nayeon." Dahyun explained. "Basically all the dirty work"

Mina hummed in response. It seemed like a catch, letting her friend do their work and get back at Nayeon. Maybe it's an expensive deal. Mina thought to herself.

"How much will it cost?"

"It depends. Could be free for you since you're pretty and my friend likes to make deals with pretty girls."

"Can your friend really pull this through?"

"Mhm" Dahyun responded. "She just doesn't agree on a deal no matter how much you pay."

Mina nodded in reponse.

"What does she do?"

"Huh?" Dahyun was confused. "Unnie didn't I just explain what she does?"

"Yeah but I mean, what type of work is she doing? How do you think she'll pull this off?"

"Oh! She's a con artist"

The Con-Heartist (2na) (Mina x Sana)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat