Funny drabble

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Let's just say for sum reason you were allowed to be in the boys room during the training camp.

I groan slightly as I hear the annoying voice of nishinoya
"Wakey wakey"
"Let me sleep a little bit longer"asahi groans
"Noya if u ruin my sleep I swea-" I don't get to finish as noya opens the curtains causing asahi and suga to freak out.
I sit up and shoot a death glare at noya. I launch up from my futon and tackle him pulling his arms behind his back pinning him and then yanking his hair.
"Y/n, y/n!! No please stoppp!" Noya flails
"I told u not to ruin my sleep noya" I growl.
Before I get the chance to do anymore damage suga snakes his arms under my own and grabbing my shoulders. He picks me up with ease causing me to kick and flail trying to hit noya.
"Sugaaaaa he ruined our sleeeep!"
"It's ok y/n we have to get up anyway"
Noya crawls out from under us and suga sets me down.
I puff out my cheeks and glare at noya. He hides behind asahi with a squeak
That was dumb but I just thought of it lol

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