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I groan as the light filters through the curtain reaching my eyelids. I turn over snuggling closer too the sheets and burying my face in Rin's chest. He tightens his arms around me lowing his head into my hair. I sigh as he rubs his hands up and down my back pulling my waist closer, I trail my hands up his back into his hair and play with the bottom few strands earning a satisfied groan from my love.
"Hey bubba" I softly ask.
"Hmm?" He hums out in response.
"Kita say we have to go grocery shopping this morning"
"Why cant he?" He groans in disatisfaction.
"He has a morning class and he said hes making dinner tonite if we get it"
"I like your cooking better anyway"
I pull away slightly puffing my cheeks out causing him to open one of his eyes.
"I am not cooking for you again Rinatou. Its your day too cook so lets go"
I attempt to sit up but rin pulls me down and crawls ontop of me trapping me beneath his weight.
I let out a yawn and mumble "whatever, just know im not cooking nor listening to kitas lecture." with that I let out a sigh and close my eyes.
A few minutes later suna sits up quickly, sitting on my hips and putting his hands on my chest.
"Wait your not cooking for me" He squeaks.
I furrow my brows slightly 'God hes an idiot' I decide to pretend to stay asleep cause im tired as it is.
He mumbles something under his breath before he presses on my chest like hes performing cpr causing me to cough and slap his arm and push him off of me.
"What the hell suna!"
He hops off the bed and throws on some sweatpants before throwing me a pair too.
"Get up lets go"
"So nooow you wanna go" I grummble swinging my legs over the side and sliding his sweats on.
"I just didnt understand you the first time"
I huff before throwing one of his hoodies on and walking out the bedroom door. I scan the room to make sure kita isnt home cause he would be mad we heavent left yet. Rin comes up behind me and grabs my hand dragging me to the store.

We both lazily walk down the street dragging our ugged feets and gently swinging out hands. Once we get to the grocery store suna and i grab a cart and walk down a few asiles, i begin to grow tired and awkwardly rest my head on sunas back as he pushes the cart.
"y/n if you that tired just hop in the cart " he proposes.
"Why not no ones here its 6 in the morning no ones gonna judge us"
"Okay" I mumble before sliding into the cart moving a few objects onto my lap to avoid crushing them. I rest my head against the back of the cart as suna tosses things onto me.
I didnt realize rin pushed me up to the cashire untill i hear whispers " are you buying her too"
"Sadly ive already made that purchass, do you know where i can return her?"
The cashier giggles as i sit up shooting a glare meant to kill at rin, but he doesnt bother to look at me as already smirking . I pout and cross my arms "if you don't love me you can just say it" I mumble
causing him too chuckle and kiss my forehead "of course I love you idiot" before grabing the remaining items on my stomach and handing it to the lady.
"Bubba, Can you hep me out?" I ask with puppy eyes and grabby hands.
"Of course bub" he smiles at me softley before reaching into the cart and picking me up bridal style then setting my feet gently on the ground. I smile up at him kissing his cheek before grabbing his hand. He hands the cashire the last few items I was basicly siting on.
The cashier hands us our bags and smiles at us. "Have a wonderfull day you too"
I smile saying "thank you, you too" and he nods before we walk out the doors.
We walk home still dragging our feets but we have grocery bags in each hand so our pinkys are wrapped together instead of our hands.

Once we get home suna plops the items on the counter before face planting into the couch. I chuckle in response as I put away the groceries. When im done I plop on top of him causing him too let out an oof and a grumble of displeasure. I bury my face in his shoulder draping my arm over his. He intertwines out fingers, even though it was an awkward position I was extremely comfortable and we just stay there till we fell asleep.

Bonus kita pov

I push the door to our aparement open with a sigh as I place my school bags down on the counter. The room is oddly dark and I look over the kitchen island too see the two love birds fast alseep on the couch. y/n ontop of suna.
I chuckle in response and start making dinner.
Half way thorugh the smell of f/f starts to become very potent causing y/n to stir slightly. Causing rin to shift. A couple minutes later I hear a thud and two groans from behind me.
"Ow, oh wait....*sniff* is that f/f i smell?"
"Just for you y/n"
"Can we go back to sleep now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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