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This is straight outta an Akaashi book I'm writing. I love this chapter alone tho so here u go.

I smile at him and stand up grabbing his hand. I begin to pull him up with me.

He raises one of his perfect brows at me as i drag him out of the library. "where are we going L/N?"

"We are going somewhere special!" I exclaim


"why not?! We don't have anything better to do, right?" I say throwing open my passenger door and pushing him in.

He looks me up and down before sighing and saying "i guess not"

I giggle and close the door before getting in the divers seat.

I turn on the radio and scream along to the songs. Windows down down the highway.

Akaashi P.o.V

I stare at this Etheral girl beside me as she belts out an off key paper rings. Her left fist high in the air as her hair swirls around her head. I cant help but smile at the beautiful choas next me.

"Kiss me once cause " she screams

Y/n P.o.V

"I know u had a long night " I scream shifting lanes "Kiss me twice cause It's gonna be alright"

"Three times cause you've waited your whole life" He softly sings next me. I look over at him for a second smiling.

"I like shiny things but I'd marry you with paper rings" I sing opening the sun roof of my car.

"Uh huh darling that's right  darling ur the one I want." He sings a little louder then before.

"and I hate accident except" I squeal

Together we sing "when we went from friends to this"

I take an exit as i turn down the music slightly. "what would your reaction be if i asked u to spend the night with me in a motel?"

he looks over at me, a shocked expression on his face. "I- Um. Im not to sure... Very surprised... Why?"

"well... This is gonna sound really dumb but I've always just wanted to up and run away with someone, even if it s just for a few days." 'I want to drive away with you I want ur complications too' on the radio as i continue "But i want one of those classic movie moments where we do a bunch of stupid things and just have fun for a few nights not worrying about anything else... Its Friday so we have the weekend to just...have fun."

He puts his hand on his chin as he ponders for a moment.... I anxiously wait as the lyrics "darling ur the one I want, paper rings" repeats

I pull up at a discount store down the street from the motel i was thinking of and park. I look over at him and he looks at me. Theres a moment of silence until he says. "ok"

I feel as if i'll burst with excitment and I Jump on him wraping my arms around his neck leaning over the console . "Yes yes yes"

He chuchkles wraping his arm around me and patting my head with the other. I pull away and smile " Ok so i was thinking we run into the Roses and we grab a few necesities, we go to the motel down the street, get a room for 2 days, then we head out to the bowling alley and arcade till it gets dark then we go to the beach and stargaze then we go get ice cream and head back. Sound good?"

He nods his head and i smile . "lets go!"

we get out of the car and i grab his hand skipping over to the store.
I grab a few undergarments and a night gown along with a few outfits. Akaashi doing the same. I look around for a few board games or somethings when I see a tattoo gun and I quickly grab it. Then I run over to grab some cheap sushi. Akaashi and I check out and I bounce over to the car and drive to the motel.

When we get there we grab a room too excited to ask for...separate beds. I swing the door open and see just one.
I look over at Akaashi and he shrugs. I smile before dumping everything on the bed.
I hold up the tattoo gun. "Wanna give it a shot?"
"Maybe later. What happened to bowling and There's a beach around here right?"
"Wanna head over there and then watch the sunset and stargaze"
I practically feel my eyes sparkle as I pounce on him knocking him onto the bed. I squeeze him tight squealing out "yes" repeatedly.
He chuckles before pushing me off and hoping up. He grabs the Keys and says "mind if I drive?"
"Not at all"

758 words it's not crazy long but I hope u like it.

||Haiykuu X reader||| OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora