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My eyes were trained on toru's figure. This match is close and this is one that means everything to him. He catches my gaze but refuses too hold it. I know why. He feels like he isn't worthy of my love, but he deserves that and so much more.

After kageyama's setter dump they boys huddle. When the boys disperse they truly give it their all. I bite my lip as hanamaki digs the ball up to give to toru. Who jumps up and sets it to iwa falling down on his bad knee knocking the bench. I know hes in pain causing mine to water too. 'My god toru, your gonna hurt yourself really really bad at this rate'.

Iwa spikes it with all his mite but karasunos #1 (daichi) receives it giving it to their #3 (asahi) who serves it over but kyoutani saves it. Hinata looks absolutely  feral as he slams the ball and actually aims it! but oikawa was a few seconds too slow and it just bounced off his arm. He freezes taking a few moments to register before following his team off the court. 

I watch as they sulk over to the coaches biting back their tears. They do their normal routine and thank all the people they need too. As soon as oikawa finishes saying his thank you i bolt down the stairs and stand by the doors by their locker room.

I bite my lip hiding my hands in my sleeves pacing by the hall. I see them all trailing around the corner head held low. Kyoutani and iwa are the first I see. I bring them both into a hug squeezing them hard. 

Since toru and i started dating I've been going to all their practices and games. Ive gotten very close with the team, developing a sister/mother relationship in their lives.

"You did well, both of you. I'm really proud"

They both just nod and walk by. I repeat that for all the members changing my words of encouragement until oikawa.

 He stands in front of me, making eye contact with the floor. I wait till the boys are all in the locker room before I trail my hands up his neck and resting on his cheeks, gently making him look at me. I put a gentle smile on my face and whisper.

"im so proud of you. you tried so hard and you gave it your all and that's all that I could ever ask from you"

"my all wasn't good enough"

"its not just you out there toru. They really brought their A game but they r inconsistent. you bring your A game Every time, they just got lucky, especially lucky with their first years."

"it wasn't enough" his voice breaks as he bites his lip. 

I sigh and bring his head down to my shoulder wrapping my arms around him running my fingers through his hair.

"maybe not for the game, but you are for me. You can always improve your game, you have plenty of time for that, but right now, until u get to that point where you feel like your enough for the game, your enough for me"

He grips onto the back off my/his hoodie (ur wearing his hoodie) and lets out a sob. I kiss his hair and whisper "I'm proud of you. I always will be" as he lets out another sob. I continue to rub his back and hair till he stops crying. When he does he takes a step back and smiles weakly at me.

"the boys are probably already in the bus I better get ready." I nod.

He unexpectedly grabs my hand and drags me into the locker room with him. 'he really needs me that bad'

I sit down on the ledge beside his locker as he rips his sweaty shirt off. I try not to ogle but he catches me and smirks slightly. He leans down and gently kisses me before taking his shorts off, When he goes to take his bad knee out of his shorts he winces, he slides them off and sits on the ledge beside me. He sighs holding his head in his hands. HE stretches his knee a bit hissing at the movement. I rub my hand up and down his back and kiss his cheek. 

"ill go grab you some ice" I softly say, he doesn't respond but i know he appreciates it. 

when i get back hes in the same position as when i left him. I kneel down before him and place the ice on his knee and gently kiss it. He looks down at me tears falling down his cheeks. I reach up brushing his tears away with my thumb.

"when your ready love lets get you on the bus"

He nods and hands me the ice pack as he carefully slides his track pants and sweatshirt. He grabs my hand not occupied by his ice pack and leads us out to the bus. The ride home he closes his eyes leaning on my shoulder as i hold the ice pack to his knee. I'm sure both the game and crying tired him out. I text my mom and his saying that toru had a really bad day and i'll be 'kidnapping him for the night to comfort him' they both are give me their ok and i smile kissing his hair.

when we get home I drag him to my room. He doesn't say a word nor does he question where im taking him. I drag him to take a shower, I decide that I know he would just stand in the water so i decide to shower together. He doesn't have the energy too so I wash his hair for him and gently wash his body before doing the same to my own. I give him some of the clothes I stole form him before slipping into his boxers and t-shirt and crawl into the bed opening my arms for him, which he weakly crawls into. I hold him tightly kissing his forehead, his ear, his neck and cheeks, his hair, every where I can reach.

He sniffles slightly voice cracking as he breaks his silence with "I love you"

I smile at him kissing his lips softly and whisper back "I love you too. Now rest up so we can spend all day watching alien movies tomorrow"

"with milk bread and ice cream?"

"Yes of course, now sleep love"


and with that he closes his eyes nuzzling his face into my neck and we both drift to sleep.


I am very very very proud of this

1099 words :)

Lemme know if u want a part 2

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