I moved to lie down the couch too cause all this revelation was too much to take in. Even Svasthi slumped against her chair remaining silent which usually wasn't her thing. Rishab however still sat in his place just staring at his knees.

The silence was broken by a commotion outside and I knew things had gone out of control. But Vijayanthi ma had warned us not to go to the balconies or even step out so I could only helplessly hope that no was getting hurt especially Dhruv.

Dhruv Meghdha's POV

Rohan stood there with a gun in hand, while the palace guards surrounded him.

" Why are you here? Haven't we already made it clear that we don't want your presence anywhere near the palace?" Dad questioned.

He laughed almost a sadistic one, " You really think I would follow your so called orders when I know the love of my life is back?" He asked.

" Princess Juhi is no longer engaged to you and the terms of that treaty have long been nullified when you killed her parents." Dhananjay ajja spoke firmly.

" I have nothing to do with my father's plan or his killings. I'm just here for my love and I want to take her with me." Rohan stated as he stared right at me.

" Oh then why were you the one to abduct her, when your father wanted to kill her?" I asked trying to keep my cool. I needed answers and only he could give them to me.

" I wasn't helping my father. I was only trying to get Juhi. I had planned on taking her away with me after my father had executed his plan. I had planned on rescuing her and taking her away with me, but no you had to get there in time and take her away instead. Why else do you think there was such a flimsy lock on that door?" Rohan roared as he aimed his gun at me directly.

All the guards pointed their guns at him while Sandeep took a defensive stance in front of me with his archery equipment.

I knew that something was fishy with that lock when I got to Arvindha but never thought much about it till now.

It all made sense how the fire was burning slowing but steadily and the flimsy lock like he had mentioned. All along he was working against his own father to get to Juhi. But realizing that it was Arvindha who was there that day, my anger rose ten folds.

Before I could react, I heard gunshots and I was tackled to the ground with Rohan on top of me, " Just let Juhi go with me and I'll leave or I can't promise I won't hurt you. "

" Stop being an obsessed lover it's sickening. Juhi's over you a long time ago." I flipped us over with him now under me.

We had a stare off, when suddenly he raised a knife with a sadistic glint in his eyes, and reached for my neck, I dodged and got off him with a gun in my hand.

Rohan got up laughing like it was funny and lunged towards me, with a gun and a knife in his hands, I disarmed him from the knife, and we were at each others throats when an arrow pierced into his shoulder blade from behind.

Sandeep stood in front of ajja and dad his glare murderous. " Get off you sick bastard before I kill you. " Sandeep screamed at him.

Momentarily distracted by pain he got off me and started moving backwards, until he directly aimed his gun at me and fired, " This is for separating me and Juhi son of a bitch." And a bullet pierced through my bulletproof vest logding into my flesh due the close shooting range, causing me to clutch my side in pain.

What followed was a volley of arrows and gunshots, and I saw Rohan took off running. I instructed my men to capture him at any cost.

Sandeep was by my side and he helped me up to my feet, dad and ajja too rushed to my side.

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