'I shouldn't feel like this to her, i shouldn't let her make me feel like this, I never felt like this so why now? Why?!'

Mi-Sun POV

She was continuing to spoke comforting words to him as she suddenly felt his arms wrapping around her waist and his head resting on his chest, not in a second thought way, it was in a way as if he just wanted to feel her close to him.

She froze a little as her eyes widened a bit and her heart started beating faster.

'What is he doing? Why is my heart beating so fast? Is he hearing how fast it is? Should I push him away?'

She cleans her throat as she wanted to pull back a little but suddenly felt him pulling her close again. „D-don't let go...please h-hold me like this a f-few seconds more..." he spoke with a husky voice which you have after crying.

She looked down at him for a second before she nodded her head lightly even though he couldn't see it and holds him close again. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed to have him so close but she didn't know why.

It isn't normal that your heart beats like crazy when a friend is so close to you, right? Is it because he is a boy? She also couldn't deny the fact that he was attractive. Was is because he was attractive? Is it right for her to think like this about him? He just cried and she thinks like this about him? What is wrong with her??


Later that day Mi-Sun was walking around as she walked past the room in which Hyun-soo still was staying as she suddenly heard someone talking. She frowns as she walks closer to the door and peaks slightly inside as she saw Eun-yoo sitting with him, she was asking him about his scars but what Mi-Sun noticed the most was the look on Eun-yoo her face.

Normally she wasn't interested in anything, she literally hates everything that breaths but it seems like the complete opposite as she looked at Hyun-soo. A lump formed in Mi-Sun her throat as she watched the both interact with each other and her eyebrows furrowed.

What is this feeling suddenly inside of her? Why was she all of a sudden mad?

She shakes her head as she quickly walked away and to the Daycare where she was met with Su-Yeong and Yeong-Su playing. A soft smile formed on her lips as she walked in a joined the two kids on the floor.

As the both noticed her they immediately jumped on her and hugged her what made Mi-Sun laugh. „Yah I can't breath" she chuckles as the two then pulled away and were chuckling as well.

She smiled and strokes Su-Yeong her head as she looked at the two in awe.

„Are you both happy?" She asked them as they started playing again. „Of course" they said while not really paying attention. „Is that so? That's enough then" she smiled as she gave both kids a kiss on their head before starting to play with them.

„Eonni!" Someone suddenly said as Mi-Sun heard steps before seeing Eun-yoo coming to her and sitting down beside her. Mi-Sun immediately took her in her arms as she saw her face. „What happened?" she asked and rubbed her arm.

„Eun-hyuk.." she bites her lip softly as Mi-Sun frowns before realizing it. „Did he..?" she asked and Eun-yoo nodded. Immediately Mi-Sun her blood started to boil as she get up to kick Harry Potter his ass but Eun-yoo stopped her in which holding her wrist. „Don't..I..I had a big mouth again...that's why he did it..I told him that he wasn't my real brother during the argument.." the younger girl sighed.

Mi-Sun sat down next to her again as she pulls Eun-yoo closer to herself again. „What happened?" she asked as she wanted to know why the two siblings were fighting again. „I was by Hyun-soo as I left and saw Eun-hyuk and Ji-soo walking to him, I told them to get what they wanted him to get by themselves because I can't watch them any longer making him do all this things..today as he came back from the apartments, I thought that he lost his control because he was panting and his eyes were all black like always when he loses control a little...he was so exhausted so I raised my voice and Ji-soo played the innocent one again which just made me more angry so I insulted her and Eun-Hyuk told me to stop but I just asked him why I should listen to him because he wasn't even my real brother and a second later he already slapped me.." Eun-yoo told her as she cuddles onto her and Mi-Sun listened to her as she suddenly felt again this weird feeling when Eun-yoo talked like that about Hyun-soo.

„You really care about Hyun-soo, huh?" she asked her in thought as she cuddles her back. „I-I don't care about him...it was just annoying how he, even though he is stronger than all of us, didn't stand up for himself...I couldn't watch this any longer.." She talked herself out and looked down, someone else would have believed it but not Mi-Sun, she knew this raven black haired girl too good.

She bites down onto her lip as she starred forward at the two kids that still were playing. „Do you...feel something for him?" Mi-Sun asked softly not showing any reaction. „Yah! Of course not! Pfff As if I would like someone like..him" she quickly said and get up from the floor.

Mi-Sun looked up at her from her place as she leaned back on the wall behind her. „If you say so.." she nodded. Eun-yoo scoffed slightly as her cheeks started to turn into a light rosy color. „I-I will leave...bye" Eun-yoo spoke before walking out of the Daycare quickly.

'Why is my heart aching like this? Shouldn't I be happy for her? Yah! Han Mi-Sun get yourself together!'

She scolded herself in her through as she bumped her fist against her chest a few times as if it would bring her back to her right senses. She sighed deeply and as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms.


Aww look at our frustrated baby Mi-Sun :(

Double update today because you waited so long for one, I hope you like it!

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See y'all next chapter!!!💜

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