"I hope I'll see you soon and we get the chance to talk without getting interrupted.", Sofie said addressing me while giving the two men an annoyed glance. After we all said goodbye they walked out of the penthouse. They could have stayed longer.

"What happened to your hand?", Matteo questioned. I couldn't read his expression but something was visible in his face other than anger or coldness. Probably annoyance.
"Lukas broke a glass. I cut myself while picking the broken pieces up. Do you have a bandage?" He came closer to me and took the paper towel away examining the cut. The paper towel was already drenched in blood.

"Wait a second.", Matteo said and walked out of the kitchen. He is a man of few words, huh.

After a few minutes he returned with a first aid kit. I reached my hand out to take it but he shook his head and gestured me to sit down, which I did.

"I have to disinfect your cut. It will burn.", Matteo warned me and took my left hand in his. As soon as his hand touched mine I felt electricity go through my whole body. His touch was something I have never felt before. Weird.

Matteo continued cleaning the cut and wrapped my hand into a bandage. Throughout cleaning and wrapping my hand he has been very gentle. I watched his face the whole time. Everyone would get lost into his eyes. It's almost like they are hypnotizing me. And his full lips look so smooth. His jaw seems so sharp that I could cut my finger touching it. I'm tempted to see if it actually could.

"Are you even listening to anything I say?" Matteos voice brought me back to reality. "Uhm sorry could you repeat what you said?", I asked with an apologetic expression. Then I realized that he was still holding my hand despite he already finished wrapping it up. As if hearing my thoughts again Matteo quickly took his hand away and all the warmth that came with it.

"I told you that I will check your hand everyday and change the bandage. You should also avoid to get your hand wet. Besides that everything should be fine. Healing will take one to two weeks." He must have done that a million times .

"Thank you for helping me." Matteo stood up and headed towards the front door.

"Where are you going?", I questioned him.

"Work." And he is back to his cold self. The man of few words.

"So I'm all alone? What am I supposed to do? Just let me go out to meet my friend", I asked and demanded at the same time.

Matteo stalked towards me, closing the distance. He was only a few inches away and stared straight into my eyes. His expression screamed danger. "I won't let you leave. Do what you want in my penthouse. Watch tv or do your nails. I don't care."

Taking a step closer to him I stared back trying to appear fearless and confident. "If no one is here, who will make sure that I don't leave?"

My statement triggered something in him. His eyes went dark and he took a step forward. Matteos nose almost touched mine.

"Are you asking me to cuff you to your bed?", he challenged me. The left corner of his mouth twitched.

"Y-you wouldn't do that.", I gulped. Matteo leaned in even closer. His lips grazed my cheek lightly.

"Try me.", he whispered in my ear. A shiver went down my spine and my cheeks began to feel hot. He took a step back and looked at me with a smirk on his handsome face. "By the way Cristian will come and keep you company. Until then: behave."

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