Chapter 1: Our Last Time Together

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//AN:before the story starts, this story will mostly be in the POV of Ash meaning that everything being written means that ash is thinking about it. If it changes you will know. I'm not very good at starting stories so I promise it'll get better over time :). I haven't wrote in a long time so sorry if my writing feels very cliche. This is most likely going to be a very long chapter and maybe the longest since This is the start of everything. Also Ash may seem very stupid now but it's going to change, I promise. Thank you for reading!

Beep Beep Beep. Beep Beep Beep. An alarm had just gone off. I didn't get much sleep that night. I stayed up thinking a lot about how my journey was coming to an end. I was happy yet I felt like I didn't want that ..It was a weird feeling that I had never felt before and I didn't know what it was and it was driving me crazy. I decided to go out to the dining room to eat breakfast with everyone else

"Good Morning Ash!" Clemont and Bonnie say . I was so deep in thought I didn't even hear them at first until I realized clemont was staring at me. "Oh! Good morning!" I say in A very nervous tone. "What's wrong? You were just sort of staring at the floor for a while" he said. " Oh Sorry about that, I'm still a bit tired." I smiled afterwards and assured him I was okay.

I lied. I obviously wasn't okay but I didn't know what was wrong with me. I felt a very odd feeling deep in my head and in my heart. I realized then what was going on.

I was sad.

I don't often get sad and the last time I felt like this was when me and Serena had the whole argument in the middle of the woods. We happily made up so I wasn't sad for long yet now I am feeling that sadness. " Hey ash are you sure you're okay? You've been acting a bit strange today" Clemont says. I spaced out again. "Oh sorry! I accidentally spaced out" I say with a smile. " Sit down, breakfast is almost ready"he replied in a cheerful tone. I sat down at the table and started thinking a bit more. What's causing all this sadness?

I always leave a new region every time I complete my goal of competing in the League, and I always say goodbye to my new friends without any sadness yet this time was different. I didn't want to say goodbye to them. They were special, especially Serena. I started feeling gloomy again after thinking about me saying goodbye. I had just said goodbye to two of my Pokémon so i wasn't prepared for more goodbyes.

Knock Knock. Someone was knocking on the front door. Bonnie opened the door. "Hey Everyone!" Serena says in a happy,cheerful tone. I didn't realize until now but Serena wasn't even here in the morning. I was thinking so much I sort of forgot she stayed in a hotel with her mother. " Hi Serena!" Clemont and Bonnie say. "Hey" I say in a low voice. "What's wrong Ash? You seem down" she says in a playful tone. " Oops sorry, I keep doing that" I respond with a nervous laugh.

Clemont brought the food to us and we all ate. We started talking about our memories and the past 2 months we spent together. We talked a lot about our future and we made a lot of jokes. I realized that I had stopped feeling gloomy and odd. I was enjoying my time with my friends. Especially with Serena.

Having her around made me feel happier and carefree. Something about the way she smiles made me feel all warm and safe and her laughter too.  I then felt odd again but it was different. I wanted to spend more time with Serena before I had to say goodbye. But I wanted to be along with her.

It was odd thinking about it but I shrugged it off and just spent more time laughing with my friends. Once we were done we went to go talk to Shauna,Tierno,Etc. Turns out everyone had plans including Clemont and Bonnie. We all decided we should all meet up at night when the fireworks go off for the reconstruction of the lumiose tower. Everyone went their own ways and the only ones left was me and Serena.  This was a good time to spend time with her before I left. Pikachu and everyone other Pokémon were with profesor sycamore so i didn't have to worry about them today.

"Serena, would you mind hanging out with me before I leave? It'll only be you and me since everyone else is busy." I say. She then turned red. It was odd but her face has been doing that since we first met. I don't know why it happens but it happens very often when she's talking to me. "Y- Yes, that would be nice" she responds nervously and her face turns red again. I shrug it off and tell her to follow me.

We Walk around for a bit looking at the rebuilding and remodeling of a ton of buildings that were affected by the whole team flare incident. We went over to a stand owned by a nice looking old lady selling cookies and I decided to buy some for me and Serena. "Hello! May I please have a bag of cookies for me and her? I ask. "Oh How adorable! Are you two a couple!" She asks while looking at the both of us " A couple of what?" I reply. I turn over to look at Serena and she's red as a tomato for what ever reason. "Oh no you've got it all wrong we're just friends" she replies as she laughs nervously. I don't know what she was talking about but her expression made me smile and it made me feel warm inside somehow.

"What was that all about?" I ask Serena. " She thought we were -Uhh. Dating." She says while trying to hide her red face. " Dating?" I ask. " Yeah you know when two people really really like eachother" she says awkwardly. I didn't really understand her so I just ended up waiting for the cookies.

After we got our cookies we spent more time walking around and talking about our future. " I want to become a top performer in every region and then finally try to become Kalos queen"Serena said. She kept talking about how she was planning on doing it. As we walked around I saw A girl and Boy holding hands. It looked very odd since they were alone and they looked very happy with eachother so they must be really good friends. I wanted to make serena happy too so I grabbed her hand just like the guy did.

I grabbed her hand and it made me feel a bit better aswell. I turned over to Serena to see if she was okay but she was acting strange. " Are you okay? You're acting a bit weird. I say. "H-Hand"she says in a low tone. "You're holding my hand!" She says in a sort of cheerful yet nervous tone. For some reason, the way she said that made my heart feel all weird. She looked... Cute. The way she looked made me happy.

I kept on holding her hand all around the city until it got pretty dark. On our way back we saw a photographer taking pictures of people. She saw us and asked if she could take pictures of us. We said yes and as she was about to take it, she told us to hold hands and get a bit closer so we did. Serena was red again.

After she took our photos she printed two copies and gave one to the both of us. She wrote "Young Love" on the back of the photos for some reason. As soon as Serena read it, She turned red.

We made our way back to Meyer's house and ate dinner with everyone else. It turned into bedtime so I wanted to sleep since I was tired.

I rolled around a bit trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in but I just felt odd and sad again. The feeling from earlier came back. I decided to get up and go get a breath of fresh air and went outside.

I sat in a nearby bench and sat down for a while. I took out the picture I had from earlier. And Looked at it. I looked at Serena and a warm feeling came to my face. She yet again looked cute.

The sadness came back and I felt sad knowing I would have to leave her and everyone else.

My eyes started to burn.
I felt something come out of them.
I then realized,
I started to cry.


Thank you for reading the first chapter! If this chapter felt useless, I promise it isn't. I'll be uploading chapter 2 as soon as possible. Goodbye, And Thank you!

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