"Shit bro! I can't even believe you went!" Zain laughs, me neither.

"Me neither honestly," I chuckle.

"There had to be a reason to go to los angeles, because FT never wanted to go to america. Dude you hated it!" Alex budges in. He's right, then some girl made me go insane and I needed to be with her, that's the reason.

"Yeah I know, I re-thought a lot."

"Or it was this girl!" Felix pushes into us and my eyes go wide. No please.

"A girl? FT traveling the world for a girl? Sheesh." Zain sighs. Yeah, I know crazy to think about but once you actually fall for someone and stop fucking around you'd do the same. Dick.

"It was nothing-" Felix cuts me off.

"FT fell hard," He admits. No fucking shit but they all didn't need to know.

"FT? Our FT you're talking about?" Alex says.

I shake my head and Felix places his arm around me, "Yes, this Hero." he chuckles.

"No-" Alex cuts me off.

"Damn FT! Tell us about it! I'm invested now." He rubs his hands together and smirks. I don't wanna talk about her right now because she invades my thoughts enough already, but I know there is no fucking way I'm getting out of this conversation.

"Josephine," I admit.

"Josephine, that's a hot name." Alex chuckles. Yeah and she's a hot girl.

"Look here." Felix says and shows him a picture of Josephine at a modeling shoot. She looks literally unreal.

"Damn FT!! She's hot." Alex says and looks at the phone and points to it.

"I'd agree, she's smokin!" Zain pushes in and snaps.

"I know." I chuckle.

"Football-" Morgz runs over. "Is that Josephine?" He asks.

"Yep, Hero's smokin girlfriend!" Zain chuckles. Girlfriend?

"She's not my-" I get cut off, clearly no one is paying attention to me.

"But yes let's go play football!" Alex chants and they all start running to the field.

"FT, you comin?" Zain says.

"Yeah, in a second." I shake my head to remove my thoughts and go follow the guys to the field, it's been too long!


It's around nine and I'm getting tired, I ordered myself a pizza which I didn't finish and I just watched netflix with only one text message from Dana. Oh, and I had a little wine but that's it.

Once I feel myself start to doze off, I shut the lights off and head into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I grab my phone temping at Hero's contact, Call or not? He probably with his friends? He's sleeping? He hates me? So many thoughts until I hit call.


After a shower from being sweaty playing football all day I leave my shirt off and plop onto my hotel bed. I go to turn the lamp off until my phone goes off, Josephine? Oh my god fucking Josephine!

"Hey Jo," I say with the biggest smile on my face, she really called.

"Hey,, I'm sorry for calling.. I just wanted to talk to you." She giggles. It makes me happy, hearing her voice and her saying she wants to talk to me fully sober, well I hope so.

"No it's perfectly fine, I want to talk to you too."

"What did you do today?" she asks. Oh, nothing just missing you,

"I hung out with my friends and played football all day, I just got out of the shower and layed down."

"Football?" She sounds surprised when the words come out of her mouth, "I didn't know you played football, oh that's cool."

"Yeah, I love it." I say. "What did you do today?" I ask, please say she didn't go to the club again.

"I actually watched netflix and layed down all day." she giggles, "way more boring compared to your day."

"Not boring at all Jo, I should do that tomorrow, thanks for the idea." I chuckle.

"Did you have fun today?", she pauses. "With your friends?"

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun."

"That's good to hear."

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just I feel guilty." She admits, what the hell does she feel guilty about? I mean she did mess up but I don't wanna see or hear her upset.

"What? What do you feel guilty about Jo?" I gently ask.

"You, I made you leave. I feel like a idiot." She sighs into a short laugh.

"It's not your fault, I wanted to give you what you wanted Josephine, you know that right?" she sighs. "I'd do whatever you wanted Jo."

"Hero," she says. Did I say something? Fuck.


"It's okay, but I'm gonna head to bed." she says. What the hell even happened, what the fuck did I do.

"Okay Jo, goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight Hero." She hangs up.

I fuck everything up, did I scare her or say something to upset her?


"I'd do whatever you wanted Jo," ugh. That's the point, I wish he didn't because he'd still be here right now I feel like a complete idiot." I slam my phone onto the nightstand and turn my body around so I'm face first on the bed and slam my face into my pillow and scream.

I needed that.

Once I feel a daze of yawns and sleepiness upon me I turn back around and get into a comfortable position to fall asleep, until I get a call, Hero?

I turn around to the nightstand and grab my phone to Josh calling.

Josh, the hell?


Thank you for almost 1k reads! That's insane and means so much to me! :), sorry this chapter was a bit short, I wanted to save the good stuff for next chapter ;). So on that note, get this to 20 votes for the next chapter ;), if not next chapter will be coming friday with maybe a double update!

Don't forget to comment and vote loves!

Much Love, A♡

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