Chapter Twenty One

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They were attempting to attack Blaire but they weren't getting anywhere with that. The battle was close to being over but not quite. We were all trying our hardest in the battle. I was so overwhelmed about the battle, if we would win or lose the battle. I could tell that Ember and Blaire were overwhelmed too because of the expressions on their faces. I was thinking to myself that if we were to lose the battle then I would be devastated. We did a lot of training, preparing, and lots of people put their lives in danger for the battle. I glanced around the whole battlefield, I could see some people getting injured quite badly.

Then the minions were trying to attack me but luckily I used my training that Ember helped me with and escaped the situation. I then heard a boy crying out 'AHH.' I saw the boy in pain. He was shot in his right arm. He had his hands pressed on his arm covering the blood. His whole hand was now bloody. He was losing so much blood from his arm. I grabbed the first aid kit and went running up to him. I asked him what his name was. He couldnt speak for a minute. I asked him again what his name was. He later told me that his name was Rylan Huchkins. He said that in a wierd voice.

"You're going to be okay as long as you listen to what I say." I told Rylan.

"Okay. Please help me." He said desperately.

I remembered that I had bandages big enough for his wound and non-alcohol wipes in my first aid kit. "Give me your arm. I'm going to wipe it with a non-alcohol wipe so it doesn't get infected then I will put a bandage on it."

"Okay." Rylan said.

"All done. I want you to go over to that car and when an ambulance comes get in. Don't take off the bandage until the paramedics tell you if you can." I said.

"Thank you so much." Said Rylan.

Rylan went over to where I told him. I then went back to helping the other injured rebels. I felt really bad that they had gotten injured. I thought it was my fault, that I couldn't get to them in time. I knew it wasn't though. I also thought it was my fault my parents got taken. That was partially my fault though.

The battle was basically over. I was thinking where would my parents would be right now. Blaire and Ember came running towards me as fast as they could. "We did it!" They said excitedly.

"Yes! We did!" I replied.

"I'm so happy." Blaire said to us.

"Me too." Ember added.

"So am I." I also added.

"Thanks for helping throughout this battle." I Said.

"No problem, it's our duty as much yours." They both said.

I told them how I was feeling like we might lose. If we lost we would have done all of this for nothing. We would have done training, meetings, risking our lives, and running from the government all for nothing.

"I was thinking that too." Blaire said

"So was I." Ember added.

"You guys should stop talking and call the ambulance right now." Lila said.

"Yeah, thank you for reminding me Lila!" I said.

I quickly called the ambulance. They took a pretty long time. I was trying to help as much people as I could. Lila was doing her best to help me as well. I was quite thankful for her. Good thing she was doing doing medics when she was in school.

"How about you go help some people over there and I will go over there." She stated.

"Okay." I replied.

We first went to the people that were badly injured. They needed the most help. After we had helped all the people who were badly injured we started making our way to the other patients.

"Is the ambulance coming?" This one guy asked.

"It should be here soon." Lila answered him.

They finally came. The ambulance was white with red and orange flashing lights. Everyone came out of the ambulance. There was about 5 medics with them trying to help. They all came out one by one.

Good thing I joined medics, this is really helpful for other people I thought in my head.

"Can you help us?" The driver requested.

"Yeah, sure I can." I replied.

"Do you need help, I can come, should I come?" Lila asked me. It looked like she really wanted to help.

"Sure." I told her. She looked really happy to help. I could tell that Lila is a really helpful person.

Blaire and Ember came up to me and Lila and said "Do you guys need help? We can also come if you do?"

"No you don't need to come, there is already a lot of us to help." Lila told them.

"Yeah you don't need to come." I told them.

"Ok." They said and went aside.

They all came out and gathered up the patients and helped them once they were in the ambulance. Me, a few medics, and the driver were helping the patients into the ambulance. I walked some patients over to the ambulance. I saw Lila walk over some of the patients too. She looked so happy.

I looked over my shoulder to see an angry guard being detained by the rebels. His hand let go of something, and I immediately pulled my patient's bed and myself in, trying to get away with that. But I was too late. The thing landed and the ground shook for a second. Then it happened. A deafening sound filled my ears as I felt myself fall to the ground. The sky began to spin around, and I took a deep breath as I felt smoke gather around me, and watched the world fade to black. I fell to the ground and I felt my eyes slowly shutting.

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