Chapter Nineteen

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The car door beside me slammed shut. I didn't flinch. I just stared intently at the bow I yielded in my hands. Today was the day we would attack the government. The day we would infiltrate their headquarters. We would end the war, and get rid of the poverty our world held. We would get revenge.

We would get revenge for the people who died running. For the people they'd taken hostage. My uncle and aunt. Oh, how I had missed them. We would get revenge for my parents' death. Rye and I would avenge them. Because I was finally the daughter they would be proud of. And I wasn't going to hide it.

I'd been trained in the last day how to lead a group. I was going to lead a group of armed forces. A fourteen-year-old was going to help.

Normally, this would worry me. But now there was everything I ever loved at stake. I could not waver. I would succeed. We would win.

Ember sat beside me in the car. Hallie was with the other medics in a van nearby. The car ride was about 2 hours.

My cousin had shaky breath as she tied her hair back. She turned to me. "Do you think we'll see them again? My parents? Do you think they're... alive?" She questioned me.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I do think they're alive. Whether we'll see them again... this battle will decide." I assured. I couldn't say that we would see them again. Because there was a chance that would be a lie.

She seemed to get the hint that I wasn't in a talking mood, and leaned back in her seat. I once again let my thoughts completely consume me.

The thing was, I wanted to succeed. Be the heroes of North America. But could I say for sure that we would? No. We could end up like my parents dead.

I'd never seen pictures of my parents. I didn't remember what they looked like. That's why I had never made the connection between Rye and me. That's why he had. In my head, my parents were this everlasting strong force who could take on anything.

And I wanted nothing more than to achieve that goal. I might. I might lead my team to victory. But there would be loss in this battle and we all knew it. The question was how much?

I looked out my window to see a city about a mile away from us. We drove for about a minute longer, then pulled over to the side of the road. I turned to Ember. "We'll win. I know we will." I asserted.

She smiled. "I know. They won't know what hit 'em."

I swung open my door onto a gravel patch. We weren't the first ones here. But close. My team would be the first ones on ground. The ones most likely to die. I just had to focus on protecting the main rebels. They would be the ones to take over the actual facility. If I died, it would be of good cause.

My feet hit the ground as I jumped out of the truck we were in. The arrows slung across my back rattled as I did so. With a bit of uncomfortable movement, I started walking towards Rye.

I had been dressed to lead a battle. Mostly leather. For looks, but also safety.

My brother's eyes focused on me when I stood near him. "Ready to battle?" He asked, squinting his eyes.

I chuckled slightly. "No, but I will. For the greater good."

"You'd make our parents proud, you know."

I smiled "Thanks." no other words could form. I just looked down at my feet.

After about ten minutes, a large group gathered around. At least 400 rebels were here. A woman in a grey pantsuit and bulletproof vest walked out. I recognized her immediately. She was the leader of the rebellion.

Her voice boomed through a megaphone. "Alright, listen up," she said, directing everybody's attention to her.

"We have gathered here today to fight back at the government. They locked people in facilities and drafted teenagers off to war. No longer. Today, we fight back and take back control! Today, we will prevail and show them our strength. We will avenge the fallen soldiers and their families. We will create a new world." She looks directly at Rye and me while saying this part. I just look back, not diverting my gaze.

A Rebellion Of Flamesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن