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My life that was once full of parties, and friends was completely overturned when I met him. And I was happy. Even though we faced many ups and downs I was happy. However, an obstacle I had thought I overcame had comeback in full force, causing that happiness and new love I had just found, to shatter into a million pieces that would be hard to find and pick back up. This is the rest of that love story. The story that started out so ugly and made me want to crawl in a corner and hide for ever. The story that almost made me make a lifelong commitment that I would forever regret. And the story, that made him slip right out of my fingers...and I almost didn't get him back. The rest of our story wasn't pretty, so be ready.

Welcome to Arranged.


My eyes slowly drifted open as I found myself pressed into his chest with my left leg swung over his torso. His left arm was around my shoulders holding me in place as if I would slip away at any given moment. I moved his arm from around me and swung my legs off the bed. As I went to get up. But, a warm hand lightly wrapped around my wrist slightly tugging me back.

"Come back."

"Your awake."

"Mhm. Don't leave."

"I have to go to class. We're graduating this year remember?"



"I'll get cold without you."

"Get another blanket."


I walked back over to the bed and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Will I see you later?" I asked

"Probably not, I work late today. You'll probably be sleeping."

"We barley see each other anymore."

"I know."

"Only on weekends. And we're too tired to do anything then."

"We'll be fine, this is our last year."

I gave him one last kiss and headed out the door for class. It's been a little over a year since all that shit went down. Everything was pretty calm now. Armin and I haven't fought in a long while so that was good. Probably because we never see each other, but it wasn't too bad. It was the start of the new school year. And I was ready. Or so I thought.

I only had two classes that day so everything went by pretty fast. I didn't really have a reason to go since Armin wasn't home, so I headed back to my old dorm to visit Mikasa.

"Mikasa open the door!"

"Why are you yelling?"

"Oh...it's you."

"Wow, a hello would've been nice."

"Mhm hey Eren, Mikasa are you in....here....what did you do to the room."

Mikasa looked up from her phone and over at me.

"Oh, I just make a couple of changes. I won't be getting a new roommate so I got the whole room to myself."

"Why are there so many pictures of Eren."

"That's what I said!" Eren yelled from the door way. "It's weird."

"There's not that many."

"Mhm. So what are you guys up to?" I asked as I sat down on my old bed.

Arranged (Armin X Reader) (Sequel to Want You)Where stories live. Discover now