"Just about his relationship with Eddie, " I say, giving her a side hug.

"Oh, how did that go?" She asks, eagerly sipping on the smoothie she brought with her.

"Not that great, but we're working on it, " he says, clearly not wanting to go into details again.

"Well, I didn't expect that, but I hope you guys work it out, " she says smiling.

"Thanks, girl. Now onto something definitely more exciting, how was your weekend, Chloe?" He asks, smirking at me.

"It was amazing! We had a really fun time, " I say, looking at how they're nodding with huge smiles on their faces.

"Just ask me already, " I say, sliding lower down on my chair.

"Did you guys do it?" Elise lets out.

"Yes, we did, twice, " I show them the number as well with my fingers.

"Omg, yes! Was it good?" Elise asks, clapping her hands together.

"Did you clean afterwards?" Felix asks with a serious face at the same time.

"Yes, and yes, happy?" I raise an eyebrow at Felix.

"Very, " he says smiling.

"Ugh! I feel so single, everyone is dating or is with someone, apart from me and Jacob, " Elise says, resting her head on the palm of her hand.

"You'll find someone for you when the time is right babe, don't worry!" Felix says.

"Do you guys think that you can tell when someone is the one for you?" She asks, looking at us.

"I don't think so, " Felix says.

"Really? I think you can, " I say sitting better.

"How?" He asks.

"I think that when you dream and see yourself living with that person, marrying them, having kids if that's something you want, growing old together and just, in general, wanting to be with that person forever, indicates that. I think that it's also a feeling you get in your gut when you're with that person. I feel you would just know, " I say, seeing him shake his head.

"I disagree. I don't think you can't ever truly know if that person is the one for you because think about it, how many couples do you hear breaking up after 8 years together? How many couples that are married and have three kids do you hear breaking up after 20 years of being married? A lot of couples! I'm pretty sure that a lot of them might have thought that they found the one for them at the start but look at them now. So no, I don't think you can tell, " he says.

"Yeah, but not all couples like that breakup! We don't know how many other couples are still together. I think the couples you're talking about are mostly celebrities that live a very different life from us. Why do you think two people that were together broke up, but then ended up getting back together and stayed like that forever afterwards? It's because they were meant to be with each other, they had already found the one for them!" I say, backing up my opinion.

"Yeah, but celebrities are still human beings the only difference is that they're in the public eye and have lots of people looking at them. Love works the same way for them as for everyone else. I still believe that you can never know if the person you're with is the one for you, so I think we'll leave it here. We're just agreeing to disagree here, " he says, sipping on his drink.

"Interesting is nice to hear two different opinions honestly, " Elise says.

"Yeah well, time is up now! We need to get to class, " Felix says, standing up and grabbing his stuff making both me and Elise groan.

"I'm so not preparing for this lecture!" I say, standing up as well and putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Me neither, I'm already bored, " Elise says, linking her arm with mine.

"Come on girls, show a little bit more excitement, you're studying something you like supposedly!" Felix wraps his arms around us, smiling.

This is going to be a long day!

"Oh, did you guys buy a present for Sydney?" Elise asks.

"Oh, no, shit! I didn't get her anything yet," I say.

It's Sydney's birthday in two days and we're all going out for dinner to celebrate.

"We should all go together tomorrow to find her something, " Felix says.

"That would be great, " Elise says.

"Okay, then it's set! We'll go shopping tomorrow for her birthday gift. Any ideas what we should get her?" Felix pushes the door open for us.

"I think we should get her jewellery; she wears them a lot, " I say, taking a seat in the middle of the classroom.

"I agree, but what type of jewellery, necklace or earrings?" Elise mutters.

"Necklace I think would be easier."

"Agree, " Felix says quietly as our professor started talking.

"Perfect, " Elise mumbles. 

I can't wait for all of us to hang out again, but for now, I'll just have to get through this lecture!


Do you agree with Felix or Chloe on this?

I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for tomorrow's chapter as everyone reunites again and tensions linger, will they solve the problem or not? 👀😬

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I hope you have a nice day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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