Chapter 13

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Ian's P.O.V

"So, this is Felix, my best friend since forever and this is Ian, " Chloe says introducing her friend.

"Nice to meet you, Ian, I heard nothing about you from her, " Felix says making me smirk.

"Nice to meet you too, Felix, likewise, " I nod slightly.

We never talked with Chloe about our friends, I don't even remember if I mention the boys to her.

"In my defence, the conversation never went there, and I didn't know him that well at the time you asked me about him, " Chloe shushes Felix by pointing her finger at him.

"No one was accusing you of anything, sweet cheeks relax, " Felix chuckles making her groan at that nickname.

I find it fitting.

"Can we drop that nickname, please, " I guess she doesn't feel the same way about it as I do.

"I think it suits you, " I say, touching Felix's extended fist towards me with mine.

"I like him, " Felix says.

Like is a strong word and he only met me like five minutes ago so, I wouldn't say I like him, but he seems like a cool dude.

"Oh, what have I done putting you two together."

"You did possibly the best thing in the world, proud of you Chloe!"

If she could glare any harder at Felix, I think she would. These two are close, I can tell.

It's nice seeing how she is with her other friends.

"Yeah, you're welcome, " she says lowering herself in her seat.

I turn my attention back to the window whilst continue rolling my ring on my index finger. My view is filled with blurry gold lights illuminated by the streetlights as we pass by them and more modern-looking buildings as well as more greenery.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm dreaming when I'm outside. I find myself closing my eyes tightly shut for a few seconds before opening them again to see if I'll wake up or if this is real.

"We're here, out of the car kids!" Felix says to us.

"Yes dad, " Chloe says opening the door a bit too harshly.

"Careful, " Felix says sternly at her.

Even though he talked to her in a stern tone there's still care and playfulness in that. When my father talks to me like that there's no other emotion detected in it, is just that, harshness.

I open the door, slowly getting out of the car and looking up to see that we're in a venue, a club sort of.

"You, okay?"

I turn to look at Chloe seeing her looking at me with eyebrows slightly raised. 

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, " I say not wanting her to worry too much about me.

"Come on, let's go and remember if you don't like it let me know, I always have a plan b."

"That's good to know."

It truly is, cause I don't have a good feeling about this. I'm already uncomfortable and we haven't even gotten in yet.

We don't have to wait in line or anything as Felix shows his student card to the person standing there and we're automatically let in.

"What exactly is this place, " I lean down so Chloe could hear me.

"It's a bar that was rented by our student union, only students from our university can enter."

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