Chapter 48

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As I approach my door the muffled noises become clearer. I grab the handle but don't twist it yet as I hear the moans and groans coming from my bedroom. Who could it be in my bedroom and what are they doing? 

I open my door and look around my dim lighted room, stopping once my gaze falls on two familiar green eyes looking back at me.

"Fuck, " I hear her soft voice exhale.

I let my gaze fall on her naked body spread on my bedsheets as the hand of another man grip her waist.

"Don't stop, " she moans, reaching her hand on the other man's shoulder.

My lungs seem to have run out of oxygen as I stare at the sight in front of me.

I can't believe it.

I turn to look at the man, instantly recognizing him as no other than Jacob pounding into Chloe.

"Can you leave her as breathless as I can?" He asks me, smirking at me.

I can't look at them anymore, but my body is frozen into place. This can't be true; my eyes are deceiving me!

This can't be real!

I take a sharp breath as I feel the cold sweat trickle down my forehead.

Fuck! I run my hand over my hair, trying to calm down from what I just saw in my sleep.

I try to adjust my eyes to the absolute darkness and reach over the side table to grab my phone. I squint my eyes at the bright screen, seeing that is only 3 am. I put my phone down again and quickly throw on a hoodie whilst sliding my feet into my sleepers.

I jump to Chloe's balcony and accidentally bash my head on the glass door.

"Shit, " I whisper but it was already too late as a horrified Chloe opens her door.

"What the fuck are you doing!" She whispers- yells at me.

"I saw a nightmare and I was trying to make a little more sound this time cause that's what you told me to do last time, " I say, closing the door behind me and following her into her bed.

"A little more sound, not fucking hit hard on my door! You almost gave me a heart attack, again, " she says, brushing her hair with her fingers and laying back under the covers.

"Sorry, I know, I just slipped and hit my head on the door, " I say, getting under the cover with her.

"It's fine, now tell me what did you have a nightmare about?" She whispers, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"This is embarrassing, " I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Tell me, " she says.

"It was you and Jacob having sex in my bed, " I say quickly whilst avoiding eye contact.

"Oh," she exclaims. 

"Oh, wow! Well, I didn't expect that, " she says, trying to stop herself from giggling.

"It's not funny, " I say, nudging her.

"It kinda is, " she turns her head to look at me, smiling.

"I realize now that some of the things he said affected me more than I thought. " I trail my fingers up and down her upper arm as I talk.

"Which ones? He said a lot of things last night, " she says.

"The ones about me not being good enough for you and me not being able to satisfy you. I don't have any experience in romantic relationships or having sex unlike him. He would be better than me at both of them."

"You don't know that Ian, please don't think like that. I've never done it with him to know if he'll be able to satisfy me or not but seeing as he can't even turn me on, I'll say that he wouldn't," I chuckle at her words.

"This does make me feel a little bit better, I'm not going to lie."

"In this case, experience doesn't automatically mean that you'll be better. Someone might be bad at relationships because they keep making the same mistakes instead of improving from them. They might not be good at communicating or are unable to build trust between them. Others might be struggling to stay loyal to their partner."

"Also, sex is something very personal. Something that worked with your previous partner might not work with your next one. That's one of the reasons why communication is very important, " she scratches lightly the back of my neck as she speaks quietly.

"Everyone has different preferences in the bedroom department. Some might like it slower than others and some harder than others. People will prefer different positions based on what brings them the most pleasure. There are some people that can't orgasm from having sex and they need the assistants of sex toys or only oral simulation can get them off. People have different kinks, or some might not have any at all. Just like how people get turned on or off by a variety of different things, " she continues saying.

"In your case of having zero experience, you can't know what you'll like or not. So, this is your chance of experimenting to find that out, " she bites her lip after saying that.

"You would love that wouldn't you?" I smile, looking at how she's trying to avoid eye contact.

"Maybe, " she says, dragging the word out.

"That's good to know, " I say, closing my eyes and relaxing.

"Thank you, Chloe. I feel a little bit better about myself after this talk, " I say, turning to place a kiss on her forehead.

"It was my pleasure to reassure you. Whatever is concerning you, come and talk to me and we'll figure something out together. Don't keep things bottled up because at some point you'll explode and that won't end up good, " she says.

"I know, I know. I'll talk to you don't worry, " I say.

"Oh, by the way, I talked with Jacob today and he apologised for his behaviour. He said he wasn't thinking straight and was so wasted that he didn't even remember what he said until Felix told him, " she says, making my eyes snap open, looking at her ceiling.

"I guess that's good, did you forgive him?" I ask, nibbling my bottom lip.

"I accepted his apology but no, I haven't forgiven him yet. I'm waiting until he apologizes to you to do so."

"You didn't need to tell him to apologize to me, he's not my friend, " I close my eyes again and relax back on the semi-soft pillow.

"It doesn't matter if you're friends or not, you'll probably still see each other sometimes when we all hang out. You deserve an apology, and you deserve to hear it from him and not me. I don't know when he'll do it, but I hope it's soon."

My eyelids are too heavy for me to lift them at this point and the sound of Chloe's voice becomes fainter by the second. I don't have enough strength right now to get up and go to my room to resume my sleep.

I think I'll get away with sleeping here since my parents rarely check up on me in the morning before they leave. 


Communication is key, everyone!

What do you think about Jacob apologising to Chloe and his excuse for his actions?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

In the next one, Jacob apologises to Ian or does he? 🤔

I don't know if I'll post tomorrow the next chapter because I'm getting my second dose of covid vaccine and I don't know how I'll be feeling.

Feel free to comment & vote ❤️

I hope you have a nice weekend! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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