1. Reconvene

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"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo Da Vinci 

I went to a local bar by my new apartment. it was 8pm on a Friday night. why did I go there? drink, dance, and get away from my old life. that was normally what I did every Friday. this day was different. I got to the bar a little bit earlier than usual and sat at the counter. I ordered the usual: a Manhattan. "work again?" the bartender asked. I nodded as I downed my drink. "quit." his eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed. "I got a new job, come on another one!" I tell him. I heard a small chuckle to my right. I turn to see a handsome man sitting there. 

he appeared to be drinking a club soda. I moved one seat over. "club soda huh?" he smiled at me. "not much of a drinker" he was hot. the way he spoke, his smile, and don't even get me started on that jawline. us two talked almost the whole night, accompanied with a few more drinks. this was the most fun I had in... ever. I checked my phone. 12:48am. damn. I told him I had to work in the morning and went to pay the bartender. I stumbled as I grabbed my bag. "woah you're drunk. ok look, I'll walk you home alright?" I told him I was fine but he insisted why not? I thought. 

the street lights lit up his hazel eyes. I didn't even notice the dropping temperatures I was so transfixed by this man. when I started to shiver he pulled me closer to him and smiled. we both walked to a convenience store that was open 24/7 and bought some snacks. at this point I lost track of time. I found a bench to sit on under a streetlight. we both looked at each other in complete silence, minus the chewing of snacks. he took off his coat and used more than half of it to cover me, using it as a blanket. I got lost in his eyes and he got lost in mine. I had found the one. 

 I was so close to asking him to spend the night. the sudden boldness was definitely the alcohol. but he got away. I watched him go off in a cab after thanking him. I went to bed that night thinking why I didn't ask him out. the next morning I woke up at 6:30am. I got ready and headed over to my new job. making coffee to wash out the terrible hangover. as I walked through the doors I was greeted by very friendly people. as the elevator doors opened I walked into my new place, the BAU. Aaron Hotchner waited on the catwalk for me. 

the team was around the round table waiting for the introductions. "this is agent Daphne Donahue." "well good morning beautiful. I'm Derek Morgan." his confidence made me smile. I continued on and met JJ, Emily, Garcia, Rossi and Reid. I shook my head at Reid. "hey you!" his smile grew. "he-hey!" I stammer. "how do you know her pretty boy?" Morgan seemed a little jealous. "we met at the bar the other day. How are you?" it was nice that he checked up on me, unlike the people back home. "I'm good!" us two update the team about how we met. after that they all tell me stories and mocking one another. everyone was laughing and having fun. I would fit in perfectly in this new family of mine. 

1 months ago: 

"you can't just pack up and leave!" my mother says as I throw my things into a random bag. I can't handle this anymore. "your going to get worse if you work yourself up and take the new job." now screaming she said. I had a brain tumor, but this was minor and the doctors said it wasn't going to grow anymore. "I'm suffocating in this hospital. I'm going to Virginia." she was about to leave before I said "they have treatments there as well. I'll do them there. I promise." she came back and hugged me goodbye. "Maryland isn't so far from D.C. I'll visit on holidays." we hugged again for longer, but more meaningful. I made sure that no one on the team found out, but I don't know if I can keep it a secret from Spencer. who I already know I am falling for. 

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