"I have to work on Monday. And I need my phone to call my friend. She will freak out if I don't text or call her." Thereupon my demand he looked at me. Mr. Jerk clearly was irritated and annoyed by my behavior.

"Wrong. I already quit your employment in your name. You won't leave this apartment until you're free to go, I trust you or you're being watched at any time." He said after stepping close to me til he was almost touching my face with his. Staring straight into my soul with those ocean blue eyes that were filled with anger.

I started to feel insecure and intimidated causing me to take a step back. "You had no right to do that. I need that job. And I need my phone.", I said looking everywhere but his face.

Mr. Jerk took a step towards me closing the distance again. "While your staying here you won't have to work. Enjoy that." With that said he turned around walking out through the door. "You will get your phone back soon. Just to warn you, we will be able to hear and read everything you say or write." Then he shut the door forcefully.

Still being in shock by what is going on I decided to unpack my suitcase. I don't think that I get to leave anytime soon. Might as well check out the penthouse. At least I should know what I can do all day. Deciding that taking a tour around the penthouse is a good idea I left the room.

The "tour" took me about thirty freaking minutes. To be honest I got lost a several of times. At the end I came to know that there is a modern big kitchen, a huge dining room, two guest rooms with own bathrooms, a bar, a little gym and a big living room. The living room lead to a balcony. On the balcony was a beautiful lounge and a whirlpool. The view from the balcony is incredible. I bet watching sunsets from up here will be dreamy.

I stood there admiring the view getting lost in my thoughts again. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. It was Mr. Jerk. Yes, I know that by the way he is walking. His steps are always loud and aggressive. Turning around I saw him leaning against the doorframe watching every move I made.

I walked up to him deciding to ask him the question I wanted to know desperately. "Who are you?"
"Matteo Rizzo.", he said frowning and waiting for a reaction. What is he waiting for? Is he a celebrity or what?
"Sorry but that does not even help me the slightest."

Matteo Rizzo. Never heard of him. Matteo...mhh I like that name.

"You have no idea who I am?", Matteo asked with a raised eyebrow. I simply shook my head.

"That explains a lot. Have you ever heard of "The Lions"?"

I took some time to think. "The Lions" does sound familiar. Wait..."You mean one of the Italian mafia gangs?"

"Indeed. I'm their leader."

He is THE leader of "The Lions". HE IS A FUCKING MAFIA BOSS. Funny how one single acquaintance can ruin your whole life. And I had hope to live a normal life. A life without getting hurt or killed. Jokes on me.

"I'm just an insignificant girl to you. As soon as the cops close the case you will kill me. Am I right?", I asked scared but sure what his answer will be.

"For the first time I have to say you're right." Matteo turned around and left me standing there while I watched my whole life shatter right in front of me. I won't make it out alive. It's only a matter of time til I die.

I'm tired. Just tired of life. Tired of running and getting my hopes high. Thinking that everything will be alright. I know my mom always told me that it will be alright. But right now I doubt that. How can this turn out to be alright? Matteo aka Mr. Jerk. aka one of the most dangerous mafia bosses hates me and is waiting for the moment he can finally get rid of me.

I walked back into my room. The only thing that can relax me is a long and hot shower. If he wants to kill me as soon as possible I should at least enjoy the rest of my life by wasting his money in every possible way. It won't make a huge difference and most definitely it won't bother him but it makes me feel better. Mentally flipping him off I stepped into the shower and let the steam relieve my pain. Yes, my head still hurts from that creep shoving me into a wall. And on top of that the bruises on my wrist and throat were hurting as well.

After stepping out of the shower I quickly dried my body with a towel and changed into one of my pajamas. I put my hair up and left the bathroom. Heading straight to the bed something laying on the nightstand caught my attention.

On the nightstand was a pill box. Looking closely I read the label. Those pills are aspirin. Next to that I found a cream that helps to reduce my bruises and my phone. Weird. That's really thoughtful.

Maybe he isn't that bad. I mean he is kinda hot. Those ocean blue eyes, the sharp jawline and his muscular body. Wait-What the hell. I have to stop thinking that. He is a fucking asshole and treated me with no care or respect. Cristian probably made him give me the pills and cream.

Looking at my phone screen I realized it was already 8pm. How did the day went by that fast? I checked my messages and there were a lot. Twenty-two to be exact. Of course every single message was from Amy. She was freaking out about our bosses death. The police called her and asked her a few questions. Other messages contained a lot of swearing because she was mad that I didn't answer her. Then she was worried something happened to me. If only you knew...

I pressed the call button and waited for her to pick up. She would have killed me if I didn't call.


"I'm so sorry. I slept in and forgot to charge my phone. Then I kind of got lost doing the dishes, cleaning my apartment and going grocery shopping. Don't worry, I'm fine." Please believe me. I hate lying to you.

"How can you just forget to write me? And how did you survive the whole day without your phone?", she asked me.

"Amy, I am truly sorry I didn't text you. I was just feeling anti social today. You get that, right?"

"I do. And that's completely ok. But today you really should have texted me. I even went to your apartment and you weren't there. I thought something happened to you since you were the last one at the coffee shop with our boss." I smiled. She truly cares about me.

"I would've texted you if I knew about our boss sooner. The police just called me half an hour ago and I didn't thought you would go nuts.", I chuckled.
"I promise you...if that ever happens again I will kill you." Amy truly sounded upset.

"And you have every right to do that. Listen, I'm really tired. I'll text you tomorrow, ok?", I asked her.
"Ok. Sleep tight. DON'T forget to text me. Bye Emmy."

After hanging up I got under the blanket and closed my eyes. All I need now is a couple hours of sleep. But of course I couldn't sleep right away. When I finally felt my eyelids getting really heavy and sleep almost consuming me there was a bang.

A loud bang that made my heart rate go through the roof. Curiosity took over and I got up ready to see what that bang was. When I opened the door my heart stopped beating for a second.


What was the loud bang?

Why did Emilys heart stopped beating? What do you think she saw?

Sometimes the most hopeless situations can change our life for the better and make us even stronger. Keep on fighting, I believe in you.🖤

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