☁️Part 21☁️

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Louis pov

I climbed out of my bed and walked into the kitchen to make cups of tea and some painkiller due to the headache I had. I expected to see the small lad with a mop of curls but he wasn't there. "Harry?" I called out.

I waited for a reply but not one call back appeared. I sighed and popped the two painkillers in my mouth and put the warm mug to my lips. I waited for the warm liquid to my throat. I took another sip until I was disturbed by the front door been opened and closed.

"Harry is that you?" I asked while putting the white mug on the counter. I walked into the living room and saw a curled-up Harry on the couch.

"Hazza baby what's wrong." I moved forward and reached out to the curled up lad but he flinched under my touch. "D-Don't t-touch, please," he whispered. I nod my head and sat on the opposite black sofa.

"Princess, what's wrong?" I questioned the boy. He looked up with a light purple bruise on his face and stared me in the eyes and pulled up his light yellow jumper sleeves up which shown handprints marks around his little wrists and a litter of scars on both his arms.

"Harry who di-" he cuts me off, " You did." He pointed his tiny figure at me and looked down. "Harry why do you mean me?!"

"Y-you hurt me and my feelings..."

"Harry you better be telling me the truth!"

"Y-you did you was to dunk to realise it. I cleaned up all the mess you made because YOU couldn't. It's YOU who told me I couldn't be loved by anyone. YOU were the one who made me scared to even sleep in the same bed as you. Also, YOU was the reason for my bruise. YOU told me I was a disappointment and no wonder Gemma got rid of me and YOU said you didn't like me crying and stuff." he said sadly.

I was shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. I did remember drinking but I didn't realise how much I did drink. "I am sorry Harry baby. I don't have a good explanation for what I did but I didn't mean any of happen." I spoke with a calming tone. Harry looked up and started sobbing his heart out. I got up off the sofa and moved forward pulling the upset angel in my lap.

He squirmed in my grasp but slowly leaned into my chest. " Its okay Lou-Lou but don't do it again, and don't leave me please I promise I will be a good boy..." he whimpered.

My heart broke at the words but nodded my head. "I promise not to do it again baby and it wasn't your fault. It's just work that stressed me out and felt bad for leaving you when you were crying," I mumbled into his ear. Harry nods his head mumbling a quiet thank you and okay and closed his eyed. I run my fingers through his ruthless curls and kissed his temple.

"Lou 'm sleepy so I am going nigh-nigh on you because your warm," he whispered into my chest. I chuckle at his words before getting into a comfortable position. I grabbed the tv remote and turned on something to watch and turned down the volume and listened to the light pretty snores and the tv playing.

☁️Messages between a broken boy☁️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя