☁️Part 2☁️

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Unknown: Hey baby☺️

Harry: Don't call me that🙄

Unknown: Baby what's wrong you seem upset

Harry: Nothing is wrong I am fine

Unknown: Well you don't seem it please tell me what's wrong Buba

Harry: It's nothing I have just been stressed that all

Unknown: Awh, is Buba stressed. Why don't you go and take a relaxing bath and then have a nap?

Harry: Yeah I guess so. I have one question though.

Unknown: Tell me

Harry: What's your name?

Unknown: Louis, Louis Tomlinson. What about your love.

Harry: Harry Styles

Unknown: Well Harry is a beautiful name

Harry: Thank you I am going to have that relaxing bath now. Goodnight x

Unknown: Goodnight xx

☁️Messages between a broken boy☁️Where stories live. Discover now