☁️Part 38☁️

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Harry's pov

A man with brown with tints of blonde it in. He has sunglasses which covered his eyes. This taller man was wearing a white t-shirt with dark blue jeans. "Hello, you must be Louis' new toy."

I start to panic, "G-get out, please!" I watch as he smirks while he shook his head, "now why would I do that when I have Lou's toy in front of me!" My eyes wander to the pastel yellow phone on the wall, I ran over to it but I wasn't quick in time. I felt a sharp cold blade pressed against my neck.

"I don't think so! Now, why don't we get to know each other because I am sure Louis will back soon." He drags me to the sofa and made me sit while he walked behind it and replaced the blade back.

"Now my name is Matt. What about you?" he asks. "H-Harry, " I whispered. That name seems familiar but I can't think right now. "Well, Harry that's a beautiful name. I can see why Louis went for you." I gulped, my fingers pulling on the dressy material. "I see you like to wear pretty things, " he pointed out as he twiddles with the strap of the summer dress. "Do you know who I am Harry?"

I shook my head as carefully as I can, "No." Matt chuckled, " Oh Louis must not trust you enough but I am Louis' brother." That's where it clicked, this man has caused Louis so much pain. I don't know where this random burst of confidence came from put I smacked my head back making contact with his stupid noses.

Matt stumbled back from the pain which let them have a quick escape into one of the rooms. I locked the door and slide down in it. I heard footsteps been trampled all over the cottage. "Come on Lou where are you?" I muttered to myself.


Louis pov

I picked up Pluto's carrier and put him into the car. I sighed and climbed in. I knew I forget something and this thing was alive. I started the car and drove away from my old apartment. The drive was only twenty minutes so I will back in no time.

As I pulled up I saw the door open, I shrugged just thinking Harry need air or something. I climbed out of the car, while I grabbed the cat carrier. I slammed the car door shut and walked into our new home, " Princess! I am home!" I shut the door and placed the carrier down and let him out.

I watched him as he ran away into the kitchen. "Princess?!" I call out again. "Louis!" I heard Harry scream. I ran into the hallway, pushing open all the doors. I kicked open the door with a butterfly on to see a so-called human with a knife around my boyfriend's neck.

"Ahhh, Louis isn't it great to see you again, " Matt smilies. I clenched my fists, " Let him fuckin go you twat!" Matt hooked his head with a sinister smile, " you have been a bad boy Louis. Remember when you slammed that door in my face? Well, I am punishing you for it because no one disobeys me! And I will make your 'princess' watch."

I looked him dead in the eye, " go on then! What you waiting for?! Did you turn into a pussy or something?!" He knocked Harry out the way as he ran towards me with speed. He pushed me down and climbed onto me. Matt punched me in the nose before I rolled him over and got on top.

I right hooked him in the jaw making him grit his teeth. I can hear Harry screaming to stop but I couldn't this man has caused me so much shit. I see he has the knife still tight in his right palm. I use my knee to press down on his wrist which made him let go of the weapon.

I managed to throw it further away just in time before he flipped us again. I received punch after punch until I could feel myself going weak. I saw the anger and happiness in his eyes when he saw the damage. He rose his fist so high in the air I could tell this was going to hurt I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but I never came.

I felt a body go limp on top of me, I pushed Matt of me and stood up to Harry with a giraffe ornament with the red substance on it. I looked at Harry, " Princess what have you done?"

 I looked at Harry, " Princess what have you done?"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Matt 🖕😚

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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