Chapter two

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A/n: I haven't decided on a posting date yet. I'll let you guys know when I do, thank you to those who read my first chapter and gave me feedback!

How did you like the first chapter btw? ❤️

Pls vote and comment if you enjoyed it! 🦟🦗🦟


There was a sudden pause in the cafeteria- the type you would see in a movie— the main character looking at the person they were beginning to fall in love with, their heart beats over the catchy remix pop or slow song as they described the Greek god/goddess or someone in between while they stared hopelessly in a cloudy daze— Everything around them going quiet and blurred.

Eric's mouth dried rapidly it seemed, his eyes scanning the curly black hair, blue-eyed boy. Of course, the table was far away and all so he couldn't describe every single feature on the Boys body but he knew a few things about him— well what he knew was from the little bit he heard from some cheerleaders one day after a game. Callum was half related to Emily, He didn't like sports- no he hated them, and for what the girls knew he didn't have a record with sleeping with women.

That was the only thing Eric needed to gain a little, little crush on him. From what Eric knew he could have some distance relationship thing going on or the girls just didn't know him or he was asexual Or- the endless thinking could go on. "Hey, Eric." The sweet and naive voice of Emily Micheals almost made Eric jump, groan and sigh. (All in that order)

Eric turns from his locker, seeing the 5'7 girl staring up at him with a small blush. Not to him, knowing Eric was close to Jay made her cheeks blush. "Hey.." Eric murmured.

"I was wondering if you and the team were going to Jackson's party tonight, I know how much Jay loves parties." She smiled— her perfect white teeth grinning, "I and my brother are going-" she told him confidently.

Callum.. going to a party? Eric question. Callum was the only popular guy Eric knew who wasn't brain dead with pussy and parties— Eric crossed his arms over his chest nodding his head, "yeah we are." He told the girl awkwardly. Eric didn't want to go but now it changed somewhere around 50% of his 1 to 100 want to go meter, seeing a drunk silly Callum could brighten his day but it also could ruin it if he saw the boy he just started liking kissing some girl.

In 8th grade, Eric fell in love with his Math seat partner but an hour later he released the boy who was homophobic and cried for two days. "Hey, Emily," Eric said, cursing at himself for calling the girl back.

She stared dumbfounded waiting, "yeah?"

"Um-" Eric rubbed the back of his neck, "- be careful of Jay... He likes to sleep around sometimes and gossip about it... I don't want your business being out there more than it already is." There was a moment of silence as Emily's white face turned redder than an apple, she covered her mouth— nodding aggressively then speed walking away.


Eric dressed in a random white shirt, putting a hoodie over it and blue jeans along with black vans. Eyeing the knotted mess for hair he had been hiding under hoodies and hats for the last month he sighed and tried to brush in out— The day of the party, why was he even going? To try and turn himself straight again or to see a boy that didn't knowledge his existence besides the fact Eric was a prick who played football, that has a very low chance of even coming?!

He groaned. "What's with all the huffing and puffing?" Eric's mother's sugary voice asked as a few soft knocks hit his door frame— Eric looked at his mother, she looked tired, her once beautiful strains of black hair now balding. Heavy bags rested under her eyes as if something was slowly consuming her— work.

"Nothing.. just trying to brush my hair," Eric's murmur trying to run his hands through it. "You should be resting," Eric added looking over to his mother as she flopped onto his grey sheets— her body rising up and down as she let out a small giggle.

She waved him to come over, "Stop worrying so much. My mother always told me time and effort were the keys to everything."

Not to his sexuality, Eric thought sitting down on the bed next to his mother. Eric nodded though, he tried his best not to get in his mother's way. Whether it grading, school drama, or at home— he respected his mother too much to cause any trouble. If she found out Eric was friends with someone like Jay, she would frown and just silently not say anything.

He and Jay were friends, best friends in fact— they knew all the important stuff like each other's birthdays, families, their favorite colors, and ages but what separated Jay from the other people Eric talked to? What separated Jay from any other white guy in school and does the same apply to Eric?- Eric thought about that a lot.

Jay's familiar car beeps, the music in his car unbearable and noisy— you couldn't make out a single word of how loud it was as Eric got in. The smell of packed-in cigarettes made Eric pity cigarettes in cigarette boxes of the sudden urge to cough came to him— the smell quickly Leached to his clothing, a bottle being passed around in the back seat fitting five people somehow.

Giggling through the ride, terrible rap music and the smell of sweaty dudes— Eric murmured through the air of why he even came. Finally reaching a large house, just a level lower than a rich place, all you needed to do with install some private security and some maids. A large lawn and loud music shaking the ground like an earthquake— Jackson's, Eric thought.

"Let's go get laid!" Shouted one of the dudes as Eric gave a judging look to some lesbian interracial couple that touched each other private parts in the grass, he didn't judge that but the guys laughing and whistling watching them do so. Jackson liked women who got drunk easily, the innocent ones who hadn't popped their cherries.

Jackson was the type of man to act like the victim— and Eric didn't like him very much. Nobody liked Jackson though, he loved pissing so many people off and nobody could do anything since he had the key to life— something Eric would steal for his family, money. "I'm glad you could make it, drink, drink now. Don't stand there like some virgin monkeys," Jackson chuckled, A girl on his lap.

Her ass rubbed against Jackson's crotch as she let out long and high pitch squeaks and moans, her hands running through her hair as she close to eyes and felt herself confidently.

Jackson would date for almost a month then break up with the girl he was dating, it wouldn't be surprising if he's touched every girl in Eric's school. the only good thing about that the girl could do whatever she wanted that month since she had Jackson by her side and his money. Like Harley and the Joker but more modern and less villain type shit and more toxic abusive love.

Eric went to the kitchen, grabbing two cups. "Hey," a breathtaking voice appeared in Eric's left ear— he grabbed it (his ear) as if something tried to crawl into it while looking at Callum— Callum stood there giving an amused look.

Callum, Eric thought trying to get his brain to start running again to answer the boy, instead, it eyed Callum. Unsure yet horny.

He wore a white shirt, the sleeves no higher than the end of his biceps— tucked into black Jeans with rips down at the knees, a black belt, and Converse. His curly hair sitting on the top of his forehead, touching the tops of his bushy black eyebrows. His sharp blue eyes piercing Eric, The pink smooth lips ready to form a sentence.

"I just wanted to say thank you for warning my sister, though I don't think-" Callum let out a dry chuckle before continuing, "-she will stop liking him any time soon I found it cool you stood up. Thanks, man."

He thought I was cool, Eric coo In his head nodding his head unsurely. His voice box messed up forming a weird moan, a croaky sound that left him speechless and blushing— Callum tried hard not to laugh, his smile lines slowly rising the more the two boys shared eye contact.


The Pretty Boy In The Sheets| bxb | Discontinued Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt