Chapter Four: Awkward Introductions

Start from the beginning

"Don't tell me you're having make-out regret."

"Okay, okay. Fine, we're not talking about boys anymore. I won't ask about your hunky sex friend, and you won't ask about Caden," Sarah breathed. "Though you are probably going to see him tomorrow after work, right? What time is your new shift again?"

"God, I hope not," I groaned. "I finish at eight. Let's hope today was a fluke and he won't be there. I can't go through with that awkwardness again."


It was late, ten minutes to eight, and close to closing. I stood hunched over the counter of the café, ready to close as I waited out the last ten minutes of my shift. There were no more customers, thankfully; that meant I could be out here as soon as the doors locked and head straight to the gym.

When the bell of the door rang, I held back a groan, plastered on a bright fake smile, and stood up straighter to greet the customer.

That smile quickly fell when I recognised the woman stood there.

I turned my back to her, busying myself with making her a drink (despite the fact that she had yet to order anything), so that I could take a second to calm myself and hide any panic in my expression. When I spun back around, she was already at the counter.

"What are you doing here?" My words were sharp, enforced by the loud clatter of porcelain against marble, as I placed the cup on the counter with too much force. The black coffee rocked inside the cup and spilled out. I didn't bother to apologise or clean up the mess as I offered the woman in front of me a somewhat panicked glare.

"Daisy," Jun Liu greeted me. A wicked grin curved at her mouth. "Still working here, I see."

"Yes," I sighed through gritted teeth. A quick glance around confirmed Ellen - the only other person working tonight - was still in the back. Tone unquestionably dry, I asked, "How's the girls and the gays?"

Jun laughed a little at that, eyes shining. Mouth twisted in mild amusement, she said, "Missing you, and wondering how you're doing."

Jun looked exactly the same as she had when I last saw her. She'd tied her thick, black hair in a bun at the base of her neck, shorter strands of hair framing her bare face. She wore no jewellery, save for the thick, plain silver rings on nearly every finger, and dressed in her familiar black leather jacket, black jeans, and black steel-toed boots. I was sure if I went outside to look, I'd see her bike nearby.

"You should stop by soon, so you don't forget our faces. Quin's been worrying about you, you know how they are. Had to stop them showing up at your flat a few times with tubs of food." Jun arched a brow, her expression somewhat disapproving. "At least text them to let them know you're still alive."

"I'll text them," I assured curtly. Checking the time, 7.55pm, I sent another quick glance behind me to check if Ellen had re-emerged from her office. "We're about to close."

"You going home after this?"

"No. The gym."

"Ah, you at the University or..." Jun's head tilted, eyes narrowing in thought. "Dev's?"

"You've been keeping tabs on me?" I asked tightly.

"You expected us to not to?" A beat of silence stretched between us. I didn't cower from Jun's challenging stare. "You rarely train this late. It's dark out. You need a lift?"


"Okay, okay," Jun huffed, hands raised defensively as she backed away from the counter. She then dug out a fiver from her pocket, throwing it on the counter and nodding down at the coffee I had poured. "We really do miss you, you know."

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