"Don't be mean." His sister said before she left.

"You told your sister we had sex?" Cassiopeia whispered trying to keep her calm.

"I wanted to talk to you about before." Bellamy said making Cassiopeia blush. "I don't do relationships so just so you know, we... are not a thing." Bellamy said pointing between them.

Cassy felt like she had been punched but she didn't let it show. Instead she said "okay, see you around." Cassy then walked out of the tent and walked towards Clarke and Finn.

"Did you guys see that?" Cassy asked them and they both nodded.

"Grab your stuff. It's definitely from the Ark." Finn said.

"Bellamy said we had to wait till sunrise." Cassiopeia said even though she didn't mind going out now, she actually wanted to piss him off.

"Where is he?" The blonde asked and then walked towards his tent. Inside there was another girl getting changed.

"Ever heard of knocking, bitch?" The girl asked Clarke as she covered up.

When Finn entered the tent the girl said annoyed "oh great it's a free show. Anyone else wanna take a look?"

"Where the hell is Bellamy?" Cassy asked a bit more harsher than she wanted too.

"He took off a while ago." The girl responded.

"His gear is gone." Cassy said after quickly looking around.

"He told everyone to stay. Whatever is in that thing, he wants it. We've got to get there before he does." The blonde said and exited the tent.

"Thanks." Cassy said to the girl and got out of the tent after Finn.

"This isn't your fault Clarke." Finn said as he followed the girl, Cassy was right behind them like a lost puppy.

"I should've known he'd go for that radio." Clarke blamed herself.

"How where you supposed to know that?" Finn asked the girl.

"Because he spent every single minute since we've landed making sure no one on the Ark finds out we're alive." Cassiopeia responded.

"Doesn't mean you can both predict what people do." Finn stated.

"That's exactly what I have to do. I skewed up, let my self get distracted." Clarke said accusingly.

"Same here." Cassy whispered to herself.

"Should we split up?" Cassy asked Finn and Clarke. The sun had rose an hour ago and now they were closer to their destination.

"You go that way and we'll go the other." Clarke instructed and then they both headed seperate directions. Cassiopeia grabbed the little knife in her hand for protection.

Cassy saw some movement near the lake so she decided to check it out. She cautiously walked towards there with her knife raised but she let her guard down when she saw Clarke helping someone out of the destroyed drop ship.

A girl spun around herself and looked at the towering trees. "Cassy come here." Clarke said when she saw me in a distance.

"Is this rain?" The girl asked making Cassiopeia chuckle.

"Welcome home." Cassiopeia said to the girl. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, she wore a red jacket and there was dry blood on the side of her forehead.

"Raven." Finn yelled out shocked to see the girl as he jogged towards her.

"Finn." She greeted and hugged him. Cassy made her way to stand next to Clarke.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now