Bonnie's ears were lower than any other time. I could feel he was feeling so upset. Did he start it? Mangle then vanished the anger off her face and froze like she got turned off. Afterwards, we heard many tables and chairs falling and rolling over the floor in the corner across from us; it was Baby, who had her eyes red and hobbled towards us with her arms stretched all the way forward. She wasn't so fast, but when Mangle realized about her. She seemed to be set free from that short trance.

   "Nevermind. We gotta get out of here, now!" She came to be behind us and pushed us to go back to Baby's gallery, right next to Baby.

   "Where are we goin'?" I asked without thinking.

   "We're going to FunTime Foxy's gallery: there's a ladder that'll get us out by a hatch in the roof! We'll get there before them!"

   "Before them?"

   "Hurry up!" She turned her head to see that Baby started heading towards us faster; her head never stopped staring at us. "Shit!"

   "Get in, get in!" She guided us to the narrow way without fire to the gallery. She didn't get in.

   Before I could get into it I turned back to see her grabbing Baby by her shoulders and throwing her onto the kitchen on fire. That didn't do anything to stop her, because, after being thrown, we could still see her standing in the midst of the flames with the same zombie-like posture she had some seconds ago. Coaly stains seemed to bloom on her hard skin. The paint in her face was melting down and dripping.

   "Let's get out of here! Hurry!" She didn't keep the fight up, but instead went with us inside the gallery.

   "Get in now!"

   I let Bonnie be the first one getting into the duct, and then it would be me and Mangle; she was in a protecting posture way more experimented than mine. I couldn't be able to protect her. Before I could get my head into it, I heard someone yelling close to the kitchen, a hoarse voice.

   "Guys! Wait for me!"

   It was the Cupcake, who came out jumping from a spot still without fire.

   "It's the Cupcake!" I told Mangle, who also saw him outside the gallery.

   "Cupcake! Come here quick, we gotta go now!

   He seemed to be about to black out, his way to jump was slowing down. For sure that wasn't gonna be enough for him to make it all the way here before the fire speaded along his path.

   "I have to get him." I got back up and opened the hatch.

   "Freddy, no!" Mangle exclaimed.

   When I stepped out of the gallery I suffocated myself with that thick, hot smoke overhead; now the fire was right next to me. It was hard for me to peer the Cupcake, it didn't matter how many times I moved my head side to side, I couldn't see him. After some minutes I could see him just steady a few steps from me. He was coughing while looking at me with half-opened eyes, as his whole structure turned darker because of the smoke. When I saw him I knew I had to run and fetch him, but as soon as I was willing to take my first pace, Baby emerged from the flames, close enough to catch me in case I ran towards him. I thought I was gonna make it, but I was wrong since Baby didn't see him on the floor; with a firm pace, she stepped over the Cupcake, destroying him into pieces. One of his eyes rolled until my feet. I felt my head about to explode, this hot air wasn't enough for me. My chest started hurting like fucking hell.

   "Freddy, let's get out of here!" Mangle sounded like she didn't watch what just happened.

   When I got rid of those feelings, I saw Baby was a few inches to get me. Mangle pulled me away from her back into the duct. The last thing I saw about her was the way she was stabbing her gallery with her stained hands, staring at us with empty, red eyes.

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