Chapter 8: Mangle is my hero

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I stayed on the floor for some seconds just making sure no human was around. It didn't seem to be one, although it would've been weirder to find one in here, since this looks like a room where they control all the electric stuff; I can tell by the racks with thousands of wires in them. This has to be the restaurant, I wouldn't buy that these people put an amazing, chess-like floor for a boring electric room. I got on my knees and tried to get up, but the pain all over my body wouldn't let me do it, now that I had gotten to arrive to this place I felt like my strength soared away, I just could drag myself thanks to my arms and the strength of my back. According to this map this is The Storyteller, but I still need to know where to start looking so I can find Bonnie. This map only showed me the duct and this little room, but I don't see anyone around here, maybe the one who gave me this didn't know I wanted to see Bonnie; that would've been too much to ask, I guess.

   I dragged myself towards a little rack with wires that had knots like bow ties. The place was covered with dust and cigarette's butts. I'm not expert in this topic, but I was pretty sure I saw on the floor some dried make up that got there days ago; it was white and pink. Among the wires I found a little spot with a recorder stained with the same make up. Maybe if I listened to it, it could give me a clue about where I am.

   The first one I heard was about some sir that couldn't fulfill his duty 'cause 'the fifth one' ran away. It didn't seem to be something about the restaurant, so I looked for one of the most current ones. The audio was breaking, but it was still understandable for me. When I heard the first words I just couldn't believe what I was listening to: it was Bonnie's voice.

   "Baby almost takes an ear of mine off because I had forgotten to put on some make up over there. Sometimes I forget that even the smallest part of my body that it's not covered is a free pass for them to get rid of me. This is the fifth beer I drink this week, I guess now nobody can say Bonnie the rabbit doesn't know how to drink. If Freddy was here I would share this with him and more, although… you know he wouldn't care since he doesn't know who he is, but sometimes I pictures some scenes where we get to take each other's hands and spend the rest of the day together. Of course, those are just silly thought that will never come true, but at least they give me a spot of peace and tranquility to bear every day here." So then he stopped talking and started sobbing. "I remember how worried I was when he was sick, he was just speechless lying on his bed, but I could still see how hard he struggled to get out of that and be with us again. I felt like the gates of heaven opened when he looked back at me with those beautiful, motionless eyes." He started groaning painfully. "My head is killing me again, it's not so good for me to remember these things. Freddy, I hope you're ok and you're working hard to earn what you deserve to have. You're an amazing animatronic and I couldn't picture you locked into a vault like me. I hope you are happy at Freddy’s. Take care of Chica, Foxy and Frog if she's still in the restaurant with you guys, I know you'll do a terrific job, I'll be cheering you from here and from wherever I am forever."

   "Oh, Bonnie," I whispered to myself, and then I felt a knot in my throat.

   I couldn't help but look for a more recent audio in this, so I picked one from a few days ago.

   "I don't even know if this is already recording," he was saying loudly and with no rhythm; he sounded like he was yelling at someone. "This is going to be my last audio recorded anyway, because I can't be sure about what is going on anymore." Silent moments between every word were long. "That… That was Golden Freddy, I'll never forget those eyes, that horrible sound that comes out of his system and his strength. I couldn't find my face or my arm, maybe they threw them away."

   In that moment I started thinking about hundreds of things that that asshole could've done to Bonnie. So the plan wasn't just about Springtrap against me, but Golden Freddy tried to get rid of Bonnie too, where is he!? I was feeling my heart beating in my throat.

   "I don't know how to get to Baby's gallery anymore, if I bump into Ballora in my way out she's probably give it back and I'll be dead."

   I laid on the spot I was and left the recorder next to me. I didn't pause it, but just stopped looking at it and cried as hard as the pain I was feeling in my chest.

   "Nobody comes here, but if they do I can tell by the vibrations in the ground. I have no idea if they already realized about me here, in case they already have they maybe thought I'm not useful anymore, that I'm just another forgotten animatronic. They can see through my face the death that slowly consumes me and I can't do anything to change it. I wish nobody gets to eat the garbage they drop in the floor, because many of the times it's not food, it's just cigarette's butts or candy wrappers."

   And then he stopped talking. I heard like he let go of himself onto the floor, as the audio went on with sobs and quiet whimpers. I couldn't endure that part, so I picked up the recorder and threw it away. Nobody was able to listen to an amazing guy like him suffer that much.

   His voice didn't sound so bad, nor the way he pronounced the words, so maybe he's still around here. He said it was not common for anyone to go there, so maybe he's in a cleaning room or a fixing one like the one I woke up at, or maybe he's right here in this room. I got up with my strength left and started to walk towards the bottom of this room trying to dodged those wires with cute knots. There were some plates on the floor, as trash and other stuff too. This doesn't seem to be the place, but I'm sure it's one in which he's hidden. I found the door of this room, but I felt so nervous of opening it, who knows what I was gonna find of who. Despite the night, the hour and the fact of hearing nobody outside, I didn't dare to open it, I rather looking around this place before I had to go out and look for food and fresh water. In general this room looks like they had some sort of party, 'cause, despite the fact of it being a room full of electric stuff, it looks like somebody tried their best to make it look perfect, I can tell this was days ago by the dust though. I suddenly could see a lot of dried make up that formed a curve from the entrance towards another spot, but it was behind many racks. I followed that curve out of white and pink make up; there were also many steps with dirt over it, but not enough to blur the trace.

   I was feeling like I was breathing rapidly again, as a headache showed up from nowhere like the ones I had when I couldn't sleep. The weather in here was warm, but I felt like I was cold and my body had to shiver to generate some warmth. I moved apart many of the wires around here, so then I had finally found him, he was sat on the floor against the wall. He had no face and no right arm.

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