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Quick author's note

I understand that readers can't go on with the chapter while listening to the music, at least not in mobile devices. I hope Wattpad fixes that soon. Meanwhile, I'll let you the good moment to start it. Enjoy the chapter :3

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Now life could cuddle me like it used to do when I thought nothing's was gonna disturb it, when I thought nobody, not even an animatronic, was gonna be afraid of going out and start a journey with hundreds of miles to earn the rich, powerful reward of experience. My eyes clung onto that dirty, purple face without eyes and face, just the endoskeleton we have inside, which counts with a more complex structure than an ordinary robot; at least ours had rustless pipes with blood flowing through. I was standing on a thread about to fall and lose everything I've struggled in my life for, but I had before me the reason to continue and not lose my balance 'til infinity. My world full of worries drifted far away from me, letting me into his full of, probably, worse hardships just seeking for comfortableness, at least the proper one for animatronics. It was my chance to redeem both of us and grant us a little space of peace among our present's rubble. I tiptoed towards him as if I didn't want to wake him up; I knew he was awake since two little, red dots of light were on right where his eyes used to be. He didn't seem to notice my presence yet, but as soon as I stepped stronger than before, he turned his head towards my foot. The vibrations must have caught his attention, 'cause not even the noise I made by getting here made him move from there.

   The biggest question right now is… how to get his attention? How to make him know that Freddy, his ex-boss, is standing in front of him full of excitement to revive all the moments we had together and create some new and better ones? Now he cannot see how tired I am, he cannot hear how hard I do my best to take air into my lungs, then what could I do? I remained for a while standing in front of him, just contemplating how calm he seemed to be down there, although he may not be that calm since he heard my step. He could smell my scent that even before I left Mont-Tremblant, I still got wherever I went to. Now he couldn't smell anything but the urine I had to swim by, if he's still capable of smelling. No, I just couldn't find a way for him to 'see me', that he could hug me again with the confidence he always wish to posses at Freddy’s.

   I got on my knees in front of him trying to find a way into his little world again. I didn't find anything, I was getting my hands closer but I held back, what if he thinks I'm am employee who's gonna take him away? He said it's not so common for humans to come here, unless he was in another one and then he was brought here. There must be something. That something came up like those memories that used to keep me awake during those nights with thr Cupcake: my daisy. Bonnie might still recognize when somebody touches him, so… I guess this should do it, I just hope he's not too damaged to stop feeling.

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   I got a little closer to his arm, but when I was just about a few inches to feel how skinny it was, he winced a little as he embraced himself and hidden down into the wall. He hid just like a scared animal that was found by a human on the street. Seeing him like that breaks my heart into pieces, but I mustn't forget that now he doesn't trust in anything around, at least as long as he doesn't know who I am. Although Bonnie was struggling and trying to be away from me, I strengthened my grip and pulled his arm right in front of mine; I could tell the little effort he made to pull back his arm, he was now so weak. This should work. I softened my grip and put his hand on my body; I forced him to feel my fur and my shoulders, that way he could recognize I'm an animatronic bigger than a female animatronic; now I was skinner for the trip, but my body was still on shape. I had to take off some of my winter clothes so he could recognize me better, or at least I hoped so. He didn't trust me yet, he was still trying to get away from me, but I wasn't going to, I was willing myself to be known by him. After he could study my shoulders and my snout, I decided to take his hand to the last spot that could grant him the entrance to my world. I removed all of the clothes that covered my chest. I raised a little my damped fur that covered the scar of my daisy, so I firmly grabbed his hand and put it against it. He didn't do anything at first, but then he started touching it like he knew what this was all about. He felt it for many seconds, as he straightened his back. He raised his ears, his head pointed to my scar. I couldn't help but release all the tears I had, even the ones I didn't know I still got. He breathed as fast as I was doing too. He remembers me! So then Bonnie came right onto me and hugged me with the same strength and passion that he had when we worked together. I hugged him back, as I couldn't help but release everything I held back during these days without him by my side. My worst frights had vanished, life made sense again, the trip I had taken had totally worth it. The best part of this was to know that I was awake and this was actually happening, there was finally a space and time in which me, Freddy Fazbear, could have Bonnie the Bunny back into my arms.

   His sobs were quiet, he struggled a little to let them go, but he couldn't hold them either. I think my clothes got a little wet for the few tears he still released from his shattered face. We took many minutes cuddling in the floor, I wouldn't allow me to let him go away, I felt like I was gonna lose him again if I did that. I just couldn't let that happen again, otherwise I rather dying first. I was feeling that Bonnie hugged me stronger, though his arms shudder a little when he raised the effort. In that moment I broke the hug and looked back at him. He was facing down. Now I could see that, almost magically, I had gotten to bring him back to life, despite our wounds. Bonnie raised his shuddering arms and took my hand, which was resting on my thigh. He raised it and put it on his chest, as if he wanted to ask me if there's where my daisy used to be.

   "Yes, Bonnie," I said releasing tears and whimpering, "my daisy used to be there. It's me: Freddy, it's me."

   I was nodding as Bonnie kept getting my hand closer to him, so then he hugged my arm and I hugged him back. It wasn't possible for me to get far from him, we were bound to be together at least the few days we still got into this electric room. It wasn't something foretold by me, but a future that I was willing to accept. I didn't care if I die right now and forsake the future I once planned, as long as I had him with me forever.

   My way to breathe was normal again, pero but my emotions still raged inside of me. It looked like Bonnie had finally fallen asleep. I couldn't blame him since it didn't seem to be a time for us to be awake. I don't even know what time is it, but I'm pretty sure I should've been in bed hours ago. The exhausting feeling because of the trip got back to me, forcing me to close my eyes and lay my head on what was left of Bonnie's head; he laid down over my chest. I moved in a way I could be against the wall, as Bonnie could be in a comfortable position and still feel my scar, or at least I believed that about him. I felt like I let go of my tears again; I don't remember the last time I released tears of joy.

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