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The door was made out of crystal, I couldn't see a crap inside, so I just had to find a switch of the whole place or only the interesting parts for me. Freddy took with him some of his most precious things, at least, and according to what I saw, that garbage wouldn't be useful for me, in the other hand that computer and other stuff they had at Freddy’s will give me some dough to live here. I just need to get in and place everything my way, I'm sure that's a piece of cake. I gotta get ready to talk with this French-speaking chick so she can get out of here; she might even be useful for me to relax a while, but treating someone like this is even more stressful for me than for him or her, no animatronic can focus on having private nights without a fucking human coming to annoy us.

   When the door opened I didn't see anybody around, it looked like the restaurant had been forsaken, 'cause inside it was as cold as outside. Why would it be like this? That chick's supposed to turn on the heater to live, or maybe she evolved into a creature that can bear these kind of low temperatures? I walked over the area where people order food. I found a switch there, so then I turned on the light in the dining area. The place was even spooky, it was just the dining tables covered with dust, as those three animatronics were standing in the stage; the three of them had their heads down with a lot of dust over them. I kept myself staring at the for a while, but then I preferred to go and look for that chick, 'cause I got the hunch that she's not here anymore. I walked along two hallways in the restaurant, getting inside was to be into a colder and darker ambience. The echo of my steps turned noisier as I got more into the darkness. I opened up a door in the first hallway and, apparently, I found the room that had all Freddy’s stuff; I saw the computer, the stereos, curtains, some office supplies, etc. Perfect, I got it! Now I gotta find her and ask her as kind as possible to get the fuck out of here. I turned to my left to see a little office in the second hallway's end. This one was connected to another four little hallways that leaded towards little rooms for private parties, except one that had a closed door out of rusty metal. She's gotta be here, there can't be anywhere else she could hide in. I didn't knock, I just opened it by kicking it. It was as dark and cold as the hallway. I took my first steps inside to find another dusty room with a few belongings around. This can't be true! Why isn't she here!? Oh, man, what an idiot, she must be in the truck! Yes! The day I came here to count the dough Freddy gathered, she was right next to him hearing everything, not to mention the fact of that bitch of Freddy that probably can't shut the fuck up, for sure she already knew everything we had in mind.

   But wait! If I stay here then she'll have no way to get me out of here, she'll have to stay outside and freeze. Yeah! That is quite an idea. I stopped in the middle of the first hallway and went back to find more good stuff, or at least see what I could do before the owners of the restaurant arrived and found the new and only attraction: Springtrap. In the room with door I could find many stuff that, it sort of seems, Freddy and that chick lived off of; there was a fridge, a television, a worn away bed and a big wardrobe covering that bed. I guess I can stay here. If they could be here unseen by the humans then I can do it too. I came to put away many of the stuff I had into my pockets onto the bed and went out to see Golden Freddy for the last time, maybe now he changed his mind

   When I was in the dining area, I could tell the town was in total darkness, almost as if a terrible black out got rid of it. That was weird, but who cares? I'm not an animatronic who's living down town, I'll stay up here. I stood in front of the door to open it, but something caught my attention before I could even touch the doorknob, it was a noise like a chain shaking side to side. I turned to see that that noise came from the stage; the three of those animatronics weren't moving at all, but that noise seemed to come out from their bodies. I didn't pay more attention, but they did motivated me to open this up at once. When I turned the doorknob I could tell the door was locked from outside. What the fuck is this!? I didn't lock the door neither from inside nor from outside, why won't it open!? This is bullshit. I let go of the door and turned around. In front of me there were some of the dining tables with some party hats on 'em as some of those reflected the one and only white light that lighted up this area. The kitchen was as dark as all this place, but maybe I'll be able to find food in cans; I was already sick of eating cereal bars and drinking bottled water; I mean, that's the only water I've tried that actually tastes, and it tastes like butt. I walked towards it and I could see in the corner of the counter a flashlight. Looks like it's really common to have dark and creepy nights 'round here. I picked up the cold flashlight and beamed around. The kitchen was yellow and was as clean as every single kitchen announced on tv, except that the dust covered even the smallest spoon around. I opened the drawers up and down the stove, but none of them had any food. This is fucking crap! I slammed one of them and got back to the dining area. Somehow I couldn't help but peek at those animatronic sometimes; that chain noise stopped, but now nothing and nobody made any noise, not even the pines outside that swayed for the air, it was as if the world decided to sleep just like everybody tonight. I illuminated the outside by the front door with the flashlight, now I just could see a deep, dark pit that didn't give me any clue of how deep it was, my flashlight just lighted some snow outside, but that what I only saw. As soon as I was willing to get back to the room I found, the light in the dining area turned off, as it made a constant noise while I was in the darkness. My flashlight still let me see around, it looked like the walls were freezing and my vision made the decorations around melted. When I beamed the stage, I saw these three animatronics had looked up towards at me.

   "WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT!?" I shouted desperately.

   The three of them held empty smiles and eyes like mine, but they weren't moving, they just didn't look off me. I didn't know if go and hide in the room or get out of here and forget all of this plan. Why the hell everything I plan has to go like shit!?

   "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted again as I dropped the flashlight and went towards the front door.

   When I was there I gave the doorknob a strong tug, but not even the door moved a little, it seemed to be now made out of stone. The flashlight's beam let me see the shadow of some legs hobbling towards me. I turned to see that these animatronics suddenly stopped, but they remained in a position to catch me, one after one. The bear was just a few inches away with his microphone in hand and his white pupils on me. I could practically touch his eyes. The first thing I did was to jab at him, now that he was so close to me nothing could stop me. That hit hurt my hand more than it already was because of Golden Freddy's fight. This animatronic's jaw had come off his face, now I could see his endoskeleton and the same empty eyes. It seemed that if I didn't look off them, they wouldn't move. I walked around them towards my flashlight willing to hide myself in the room I found, I should be safe in there. I didn't take my sight off them, as they didn't look away from the spot I first was at: in the doorway. I turned around a moment to see the hallway I had to walk by, so then the three of them turned their heads back to me, and si did their bodies. In a rapid movement I fled towards the first room I found with a door: it had the name of parts and service. Freddy’s stuff was here. The other side of the room was empty, but there was a little window that made way to the outside. Without thinking I dropped the flashlight and ran towards it to crush the crystal with my fist. I felt like my hand started to bleed, but I couldn't be so sure for my gloves. So then I heard somebody started kicking the door behind me; it was coming off its original position, as the ceiling release some dust for the kicks. I felt my head about to burst, I had to get the fuck out of here at once! I tried to climb up on the window, but it was so narrow and high that I just couldn't reach over. Suddenly the door came off its spot, as I felt that somebody took my back and threw me onto the floor in a sudden. My back and my neck hurt like hell, it was so hard for me to open up my eyes and see what was going on. When I tried to do so, I could see those three animatronics standing around me, as one of them held the door in his hands. Without hesitation he held it up and used it to take my waist apart of my body. The pain was so unbearable that I couldn't help but scream and made this whole place rumble. Nobody was gonna hear me in here. The bear-shaped animatronic did the same thing many times, as I still could see thanks to my flashlight my blood staining my winter clothes; the door now reached deeper inside of me. Somewhere down the line I felt less pain, but now my sanity was fading away, I couldn't understand what I was seeing around.

   Before I could close my eyes and say goodbye to this world forever, I thought I saw these animatronics fell on the floor as if somebody would've turned them off. I also had this funny vision of three white clouds coming out of them. I'd swear these three clouds slowly got the form of two teenagers and a child. They were looking at me, but then they faded, just like my vision. I never thought this was gonna be like this. I laughed and coughed blood. I felt no more pain.

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