Chapter 4: Karuizawa Household

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3rd Person POV.

After the meeting between the two nurses, Mayumi and the other one who's name is Hisako, the one who called the meeting, Takuya, got out of the room. He left two of the nurses dumbfounded by what he just said. Minutes later, Hisako got out of the room, and chased after Takuya.

"Ch-chotto matte, sensei! I didn't heard anything about this from my Medical School!"

Hisako said, as she ran towards Takuya, who is walking in the direction of the hospital door.

Takuya didn't look back at the woman who is following him. He left the hospital building and got outside, where the full moon is clearly visible. That's when Hisako finally caught up to Takuya.

"A full moon? So it's that time of the month, huh?"

While inserting his hands in his white coat pocket, Takuya muttered. that.

Before he realized it, it's already the end of the month. Well, not literally. It's July 24 right now. In this time, most middle schools are already on their summer break. 

However, there is a certain middle school out there, whose chairman is powerful enough to changed his middle school system. This man is known in the whole neighborhood, and some parts in Tokyo. No one wants to be in his bad side, as he can crush everything that goes in his way.

After moments of rest, Hisako finally spoke.

"Takuya-sensei. Tell me. Did I missed something in my Medical School?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Although understanding what Hisako means, Takuya still asked that.

"The thing that you told me and Mayumi earlier, is that true?"

". . ."


Hisako screamed, but when she did, she immediately closed her mouth and put one of her hands on it.

"Sensei. I am pretty sure you know this, but the Medical School that I graduated in is Tokyo Medical School. It is known for it's great curriculum and great teachings. Only a few people are able to get in there, and one of my seniors there is you, Takuya-sensei. And the things that said to me... It is not taught at that school, right?"

Hisako explained.

Tajima Hisako, a graduate at Tokyo Medical School, the best Medical school known in the history of Japan. She and Shiina Mayumi are batchmates in there. They are the top students of their year, and never in their whole Medical School experience had they heard about what Takuya said them.

A/N: If you read my fics, then I'm pretty sure you already know, but I'm gonna tell again. I wrote the last names of  the characters before the first name. Example is, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Shiina Hiyori, Karuizawa Kei, and Sakayanagi Arisu.

"That's right, sensei! Haah~! Haah~! We never learned such thing."

Hisako and Takuya turned to where the voice is, and the figure of a panting Mayumi greet them.

"Well, I suppose that you didn't learn it. After all, it is a very rare case."

"". . .""

After Takuya said that, Hisako and Mayumi didn't utter a word.

What Takuya said is true, after all. The both of them haven't got a patient with a condition like this. This is, indeed, a very, very rare case.

"I mean, who would--"

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