Chapter 1: ??? Kiyotaka

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"I... survived another... one... of hell..."

How many times have I said this to myself this past few days?

It's been 2 weeks since the incident on that dark alley way. I consider my self lucky at that time, since they didn't see me. I feel like something is definitely going to happened to me if they did.

I didn't bring a spare clothes and cleaning materials with me today, since my mother an my sister noticed me bringing some with me. Luckily, I still left them in the dark when I replied that I'm having a practice dance with my friends.

Luckily, this time, for some reason, they just decided to do things gently. They just hide my shoes and nothing serious happened for today. Although hiding one's shoes is still considered as bullying, I considered it as one of the gentle ways.

And because it's the gentler way, I managed to listen to class today, and also managed to take down notes properly. Even if it's just one lesson, I, at least, have a note that I can study.

"How pitiful, really..."

I muttered under my breath.

Why am I being happy?

It's just one note, meaning one lesson. It's not even enough to pass one quiz. Not to mention, there is an upcoming exam, containing the topics from this week and the week before, on Friday. In other words, 4 days from now. My grades are below average, so if I fail this exam, then I'm done for. 

This school... is a bit different from the others...

They don't tolerate any bullying. Even if they say that they're gonna do some counter measures, they are not, to the point that I'd like to report them to the policed.

But the problem is, my school has good reputation through out the neighborhood. And what's more, is that they just swiped my bullying case under rug. I once thought to myself that I should just report them to the authority.

But I'm just a normal middle school student, in outsider's perspective. So, no matter what I say, as long as there is no evidence, no one is going to believe me. That's how society works, based on my experience. 

"Hm? Ahh."

I intentionally let out a sound.

Before I knew it, I was lost in thought and was walking the wrong direction where my house is. I sighed internally and tried to go back to the right path. But then, I noticed something again...

"This... is the way to that hospital, right?"

Since I'm here anyway, I decided to check out what happened to that boy.

My family didn't received any news regarding that boy. I just know that he is badly injured, and he is in a critical condition. I just hope that his life don't end, like, so short.

Moments later, I arrived at the hospital in question. Since this is a public hospital, the guards allowed me to get in when I said I'm visiting a relative of mine.

I got to the nurse counter and when she recognized me, she waved her hand and spoke.

"Hello. What can I do for you?"

The nurse asked me with a warm smile.

"Ah, Hi. I, uh, I  just wanted to ask how that boy is doing?"

"That boy? Ahh..."

The nurse nodded in understanding. Then she continued.

"That boy is okay. After some medication, his life has been safe. It's a miracle, really."

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