chapter 47: backseat

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Sofia Milan Chavicci

"They are all absolutely crazy."

"I think they think we are the crazy ones, Sandro. Where are we even going before lunch?"

"I have an idea."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"No, but you should probably call your parents about lunch before both of us forget to even invite them."

"Imagine if we did that. It would be horrible."

"They would hate us for the rest of their lives."

Alessandro caresses my thigh with his thumb as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Just as I'm about to press the call button, my mother's contact (which is Mamma) pops up on the screen. Jesus, that's got to be mother's intuition for something because that's no coincidence. I take a deep breath before sliding my finger against the answering thing.

"Ciao, mamma."
[Hi, mom.]

"Perché Ettore mi ha detto che eri incinta?"
[Why did Ettore tell me you were pregnant?]

"Stai parlando con Ettore?"
[You're talking with Ettore?]

"Non cambiare argomento. Perché non me l'hai detto?"
[Don't change the subject. Why didn't you tell me?]

"Stavamo per dirtelo prima, ma i nostri amici ci hanno beccati. Non avremmo mentito a loro. Giuro che stavo per chiederti di pranzare così potremmo annunciarlo a tutti."
[We were going to tell you first, but our friends caught us. We weren't going to lie to them. I swear I was just about to ask you to lunch so we could announce it to everyone.]

"Da quanto tempo lo sai?"
[How long have you known?]

"Non così a lungo. Nemmeno un giorno intero ancora."
[Not that long. Not even a full day yet.]

"Quante settimane?"
[How many weeks?]

"Una settimana. Quando mi sono fatto male, hanno fatto un esame del sangue in ospedale e lo hanno scoperto."
[A week. When I got hurt, they took a blood test at the hospital and discovered it then.]

"Ti sei fatto male?! Mentre sei incinta?!"
[You got hurt?! While you're pregnant?!]

"Adesso sto bene, solo qualche livido."
[I'm fine now, just a few bruises.]

"Da Luca eh? Quel figlio di puttana. Se lo merita. Una cremazione tiene fin troppo la misericordia per il bastardo malato. E voglio ancora andare a pranzo. Ho bisogno di vedere la mia bambina prima che si allontani da me. Laglio, eh?"
[From Luca huh? That son of a bitch. He deserves that burning. A cremation holds way too much mercy for the sick bastard. And I still want to go to lunch. I need to see my baby before she moves away from me. Laglio, huh?]

"Ettore ti ha fornito davvero tutti i dettagli. Possiamo parlare solo a pranzo? In questo modo anche papà può sentire tutto."
[Ettore really gave you all the details. Can we just talk at lunch? That way dad can hear it all too.]

"Tutto a posto. Ci incontriamo tutti a mezzogiorno da Evelina e Brando, giusto?"
[Alright. We are all meeting at Evelina and Brando's at noon, right?]

"Hai capito, mamma."
[You got it, mom.]

"Va bene, dolcezza. Ci vediamo lì."
[All right, sweetie. I'll see you there.]


"Ciao, ciao!"
[Bye, bye!]

I let her hang up the phone, in case she has anything left to say to me. When I'm finally off, I turn to my husband, trying to pry him for new information about our destination. He only shoots me a blinding and handsome smile. I guess I'm not getting anything out of him. His hand feels heavy against my thigh as it moves up closer to the heat between my legs. 

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