chapter 10: horrid

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Alessandro Prince Chavicci

Sofia sits across from me, talking animatedly about a new book that she read and absolutely adored. La Paziente Silenziosa or The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. She bites into her fourth slice of pizza, and I can't help but remember what happened earlier today.

*Flashback Start*

I'm greeted with respect as I walk through the front doors of headquarters. Yelling from the gym and boxing ring echo, making me feel comfortable. Since I was a child, I've needed constant stimulation. Auditory and visual being the best, but even if I'm consciously touching something, it just helps me concentrate. I can't be in silence, there has to be music playing. 

I can't just be staring at the ceiling in bed, I have to be watching something or playing with something (someone) in my hands. So the sounds of torture, or pure yelling as the members of my team practice defense and offense move against one another, allows me to focus on what I need to get done today. With most of my mind always on Sofia, it can be difficult to get anything done, but I make due.

Fiaro opens my office door with a wave of my hand and a perfect understanding of my daily routine. I set my briefcase down on the desk next to my computer before hanging my dress coat on the black, standing metal, coat rack. Throughout the day, people come in and out of my office with questions, mostly asking permission to take care of what they need to before the cocaine shipment. 

When it is time to get ready for the shipment, around three in the afternoon -- which is late for a shipment of any kind -- my legs are in dire need of a stretch. My mind flicks to Sofia, and I quickly pray that she's having a good day and that nothing happens to me, so I can keep taking care of her. 

I slide one of my GLOCK Crossovers (my favorite type of pistol) in the holster on my belt and the other on my ankle. Most of my team packs a heavier load, like semi-automatic rifles, but I make sure to keep my weapons more concealable.

"Capo, sei pronto ad andare?"
[Boss, are you ready to go?]

I look up to see Fiaro standing in my doorway.

"Sì, seguitemi. Darò ordini in macchina. Anche se la maggior parte conosce le loro posizioni."
[Yes, follow me. I'll give orders in the car. Although most know their positions.]

"Posso farti una domanda personale?"
[Can I ask you a personal question?]

"No, ma lo farai comunque, quindi non so perché continui a chiedermelo."
[No, but you will anyway, so I don't know why you keep asking me.]

"Sofia sta bene?"
[Is Sofia okay?]


"È tutto quello che mi darai?"
[Is that all you will give me?]


"Mi stai dicendo di stare zitto senza dirmelo?"
[Are you telling me to shut up without telling me?]


He shuts up, thankfully, and as we pass the main part of the building, I watch my A team finish preparing themselves. I let out a whistle and nod my head towards the cars. It might seem weird that we don't do runs at night, but it's better to do it in the daylight. 

People are less hostile in the day because no one wants to kill someone and then try to clean everything up before someone finds a dead body. Because I partially work for the government and for many other high-class people, no one will try and arrest me for killing someone.

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