chapter 11: tears

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Sofia Milan Romano

As much as I trust him, my gut tells me something is going to happen if we don't do something else first. We can't just sit here and wait for whoever this person is to try and hurt me. Because they finally sent a note, the person has been waiting enough. To send that note, they must be prepared. They must be ready to face the manhunt that Alessandro is probably going to send. 

I don't think his plan is just to sit around, but that's practically what the two of us will be doing until whoever this person is, makes their first move. After the first shock of knowing that someone was watching that happen, they saw what happened this morning, I know that I can't sit around. I'm completely vulnerable in a place that I thought I would be protected in.

What if they didn't send a note? What if they broke into this house today and tried something? What if they succeeded today? And since they didn't, what's their second move going to be? Who could it possibly be? Why are they doing this now? Why me? How did they even know where to find Alessandro's headquarters? I don't even know where it is. 

How long has this person been following me? What other vulnerable positions has this person seen me in? Do they have pictures of me? Have I met them before? Do I know them? Are they here right now looking at us? Are they going to hurt him? If they get me, what are they going to do to me? How are we going to prevent them from getting me?

"Sof, I can see the wheels turning in your head."

"There's just so many unanswered questions. I don't know where to even start?"

"You aren't going to do anything! Your job is to stay here and stay safe."

"We have to lure them out. We have to know who it is before we can do anything."

"I'm not going to put you in danger."

"I'm clearly already in danger. Aren't they more likely to get me here because they've seen us?"

"I have spent my whole life-"

"Protecting me, I know that, but I can't sit here. This is my life on the line. I should have some say in what you do to keep me safe."

"I get that, but you want to lure them out! You are going to purposely put yourself in harm's way! That seems way more unsafe than you staying here."

"I trust that you won't let anything happen to me. Can't we just try?"

"No! I'm not risking you."


"End of discussion, Sofia! I will protect you with my life. You will not be throwing to the wolves, do you understand me?"

"No! I don't understand because you have no say over what I do!"

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely positive that I have no say over what you do?"


"You will not do anything stupid. You will not leave this fucking house."

I don't realize what I'm doing until I feel the sting against my hand. Alessandro blinks up at me, his hand moving to the side of his face where I have slapped him. My mouth drops open, and I hastily climb off his lap. My head drops in disappointment, at myself more than anything, making me stare at the ground. I hear the screech of the chair against the marble floors, his dress shoes standing out against the white. 

He grips my chin firmly in his large hand and lifts it so our eyes meet. Tears, not of fear but embarrassment, sting at my eyes. I glance over to his cheek to already see the red forming against his smooth, tan skin. He doesn't say anything to me, but I know what he's thinking. As the tears fall to my cheeks, he brushes them away slowly with a loose cradle of my face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so sorry."

"I know that this is scary, amore, but I only am doing what I think is best. I apologize that you aren't exactly happy with my decision, however, I'm not going to change it unless I have exhausted every other option."

"I just don't want to sit here and wait. I can't. I'll go crazy."

"You are going to help by staying here. That way my team and I can keep an eye on you to make sure this person doesn't try anything."

"I don't want you to leave me here."

"You want to go to headquarters with me?"

"Won't I be safer there?"

A rare smile falls over his face.

"You are a genius, amore. You are already helping. There is always a team there, with weapons. We can protect that homefront, plus if this person tried to break it, the police would have to step in. That's just another layer of protection. We can stay there until we solve this."


Alessandro nods his head, already calling Agustin, Basilio, Ettore, and Luca into the room. They stand at attention as he gives them orders, and I'm too stunned to even pay attention. As I realize what's actually happening, my head gets woozy. The floor starts to look all blurry, my eyes opening and closing slowly. I hear my name being called before collapsing to the ground. My eyes flutter closed as what feels like sleep takes over.

I jolt awake, blinking rapidly to get used to the darkness. Behind what looks like blackout curtains the sun is shining bright, so I'm pretty sure it's the morning. I feel a hand laying on the inside of my thigh close to my core, and for a second, I don't know what to do. I glance beside me to see Alessandro sleep sounding, his sturdy and strong chest that's fully on display, moving up and down steadily with each deep breath he takes. I grin as I fall back down into the covers, burying myself and cuddling into his chest. 

He sighs sleepily while wrapping a built arm around my waist to pull me closer. I dig my face into his neck -- my one hand on his abbed stomach and the other running through his hair -- to take a small inhale of his natural scent with his famous (or infamous depending on how you look at it) cologne. I nuzzle my noses against his skin, kissing his skin lightly. His other hand travels between my legs to cup my pussy, and I suck in a surprised breath.

"I could wake up like this every day."

The huskiness of his morning voice does nothing but make me more aroused than I already am. It's gravelly, deep, and I can't help but agree with his previous statement. I wouldn't mind listening to his voice every single morning for the rest of my life. He's so handsome, sexy, and cute at the same time. Gosh, why does he have to look so good?

"Are you feeling okay?"

"What even happened?"

"You fainted."


"You might have been overwhelmed. There was a lot happening."

"And after that?"

"I called a couple of the women that I lead went to your house and picked up about five months' worth of clothes even though we have a laundry machine here. They did it just to be safe. I carried you to the car and drove you to headquarters. This is my room in case I ever needed to stay over, which we are going to be doing until the situation is resolved."

"How much do my parents know?"

"Not a lot to make sure this person doesn't go after them for information. All they know is that you will be living with me, and we're together."

"How did they take it?"

"Pretty good, weirdly. Your mother was a little surprised but neither of them seemed too devastated."

"I'm guessing I can't visit them, huh?"

He runs his hand that was holding my waist through my hair while subtly shaking his head. I sigh heavily, cuddling deeper in Alessandro's hold.

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