Date Night Ch. 28

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Our story begins with our little family leaving the house to drop Eri off at Aizawa’s house

Izuku’s POV

“Ready to go, Snowball,” Izuku asks the sweet bean. “YA! I’m excited to see Onii-chan and Shiggy,” she says in excitement, running and jumping at Izuku, causing Izuku to pick her up. “Puppy! Where are you,” he shouts toward the bathroom; however, he does get an answer. ^Puppy,^ Izuku asks in their mind, ^Ya, Kitty,^ Toga replies. Izuku sighs at hearing her voice; ^you worried me,^- ^Why, Kitty,^ Toga asks. ^Because you didn’t answer me when I shouted,^- ^Sorry, Kitty, but I’m almost ready,^ Toga says, making Izuku nod. A few minutes pass, Toga is prepared, and they head to Aizawa’s house.

 A few minutes pass, Toga is prepared, and they head to Aizawa’s house

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Aizawa’s POV

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Aizawa’s POV

“Shin, Shiggy! Izu and Himi will be here soon to drop off Eri, so they can celebrate,” Aizawa shouts up the stairs, making them come down. “Okay, Dad/Shota,” they say at the same time, making them chuckle. “I also wanted to let you guys know that we’ll celebrate you guys getting into UA, as well, when Hizashi gets back from patrol,” Aizawa says with a smile. “D-did you just smile,” Shiggy asks with a surprised face. “Quiet, Shiggy; Let’s finish getting ready,” Aizawa says as they clean and set up. Some time passes as they hear a knock on the door, “I got it,” Aizawa announces. Aizawa opens the door to see our couple on the other side. “Hi, Dad,”- “Hi, Shota,” Izuku says. “Please come inside, guys,” Aizawa says, waving them inside. Once inside, Eri runs to the living room and runs to Shinzo, “HI, ONII-CHAN,” Eri shouts, jumping in his lap. “Hi, Sweet Bean, are you ready for our playdate,” Shinzo asks, smiling, to which Eri nods furiously, causing Shinzo to chuckle. Eri looks around, “Where’s Shiggy,” Eri asks, “He’s in the restroom,” Shinzo replies, Eri nods. “Well, Izu, Himi, have fun on your date,” Aizawa says. “Thank you, Dad, and we will,” Himiko replies. “Come on, Kitty, let’s go,” Himiko says, pulling on Izuku. Aizawa leans in and whispers to Izuku, “Don’t worry, we can keep her overnight, so you don’t have to pick her up.” Izuku smiles with a little smirk, “Okay, thank you, Shota,” Izuku whispers back. Everyone says their goodbyes, and they split off for the day, and the date night official starts.

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