Caroline has the most beautiful fraternal twins who happen to be Oakleys best friends as well. Oakley never met Caroline's mom but she's heard how she was such an amazing sheriff and learned that Lizzie was actually named after her.

Bonnie Saint John. Or as Oakley and her dad like to call her, "Bon Bon." Bonnie's a witch. A Bennet witch to be exact. She's been through a lot. Like a lot, a lot. From losing her Grams, when she was first learning magic, to losing the love of her life, because of the love of Caroline's life, and then losing him too. Long story.

Bonnie and her soulmate never got married, but she took his last name after he died so she would feel closer to him. Anyways, Bonnie basically saves everybody's lives all the time and is a boss-ass-bitch!

"Wow, this is new. Ever since you've been invited in, you'd just open the door and act like you own the place," Oakley teased the blonde.

"Well, I was being nice today. It won't happen again," Caroline puffed her cheeks and huffed before pulling Oakley into a hug.

"I've missed you guys," Oakley mumbles as Bonnie joins the hug as well.

"We've missed you too," Bonnie replied.

"And so have the girls," Caroline finished and they let go of their group hug.

Yes, Oakley still lives in Mystic Falls, obviously. But she doesn't live in the Salvatore boarding house that her dad and deceased uncle used to live in. It was actually turned into a boarding school for supernatural kids. It was a way for them to learn things like control and be around people like them.  All thanks to Alaric Saltzman.

Sadly, Oakley has to go to Mystic Falls High School unlike her supernatural friends because she's not supernatural.

"So what are we doing today?" Oakley asked, eager to get out of the house.

Her birthday was only in a couple of days and summer will be over in about a month. She just wanted to relax and hang out with her friends.

"We were thinking about shopping. Maybe some clothes for the next school year," Bonnie suggested. Both her and Caroline know about the girl leaving with her parents soon and were told to keep it a secret. So, they are going to make the most of it by spending every second with her. Well maybe not every sec — oh you know what I mean.

"Ooh sounds fun. Let me go change first," Oakley smiled and she sprinted up the stairs to change.

"Hey, Care Bear," Oakley talks to Caroline from upstairs knowing she can hear her with her vamp hearing. "Do you think Lizzie and Josie could tag along? I haven't seen them in forever."

"You saw them two days ago!" Caroline yells up the stairs to the girl.

"Well that's two days, too long." Oakley states and walked downstairs towards her favorite aunts.

"Ready?" Bonnie asked handing the girl her shoulder bag Caroline got her for her birthday last year.

"Ready," Oakley confirmed with a nod and a soft smile.


The day before Oakleys birthday was when she really noticed something was weird when her dad was packing a suitcase.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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