Five: The City of Tears

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Ori's face was absolutely priceless when I opened the doors of the White Palace to reveal the City of Tears behind them. Now yes, I know me and Ori crossed it just to head to the White Palace to meet Hornet and Hollow, but she had to see the city and what awaits it!

Me, Hollow, and Hornet walked out first, with Ori slowly walking behind me. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "It's just that, I've never been in a huge city like this before. I worry that I might get lost or something," she replied, she legs beginning to shake.

I wanted to take her hand and walk her out, but she got on Hollow's horns instead. I watched her climb up Hollow's arm and then rest her arms on his horns. I remembered when Hollow let me ride on his horns. It was fun, and he didn't really care about it. What made me happy is that Hollow was starting to act like an older brother to me instead of going coo-coo.

"Do you think that Ori is gonna be ok on top of Hollow?" I asked Hornet, walking over to her. Hornet patted my back. "Of course your girlfriend is gonna be ok! I mean, you've ridden on Hollow's horns before, so she should be fine!" Hornet said, cracking a small laugh. My face began swelling with rage. "SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND OK?!" I screamed.

Hollow was already ahead of us until he came over and patted my back. Ori was still on Hollow's horns, and it seemed like he was ok with it(guessing from where I've ridden on them before!). Once I calmed down, I thought I saw Ori laugh a bit.

Then, I noticed Hollow looking up at Ori, who was now sitting on his horns. He told her, "Yeah. Ghost maybe the youngest out of the three of us, but he defiantly can get an attitude here and there. He's defiantly one fierce shade and fighter in a small body!" I got even more infuriated. I wanted to strain him right now with void tendrils. Hollow then saw me and looked horrified.

"Woah, chill Ghost! I was just telling Ori here about your attitude!" Hollow exclaimed. Ori had wrapped her tail around one spike on Hollow's horns, and she looked worried. Admitting Hollow's words, we then began to show Ori around the city.

I first had to show her the Hollow Knight fountain, and Hollow almost got embarrassed as I told her the story about my return to Hallownest. Ori loved seeing the fountain and Hollow at the same time! She was then swinging from Hollow's horns in excitement!

I showed her the shops and introduced her to some of the friends I've met along my travels. Then, we ran into Grimm. "What the- Grimm?! What are you doing here?!" I asked in surprise. Grimm, master of a carnival-like troupe, had requested me to babysit for his kid, Grimmchild.

"Well, if it isn't Ghost! What a surprise! I didn't expect you, or your siblings to show up," he said. Soon, Grimmchild appeared from his back and hugged me. "Hey Grimmchild! Glad to see that you're doing good!" I said, patting her head. Ori looked up at Grimm. She held her hand out. Grimm gladly took it.

Hornet thankfully got Grimmchild off of me as she eventually landed on my head. "Troupe master Grimm huh? My name is Ori. Nice to meet you!" I head Ori say. Then, she spotted Grimmchild on my head. "And who is that thi-"

"Ahhh, my kin of course!" Grimm interrupted her. When he snapped his fingers, Grimmchild then few up to her. "Her name is Grimmchild?" Ori asked. I face palmed myself. I wanted to scream "Of course her name is Grimmchild!", but I would just get even more angry. Grimm, without saying anything, nodded his head.

Grimmchild held her tail out, and Ori gladly shook it. Grimm then let Grimmchild fly next to him as he said, "Well, we must be on our way. I decided to take a break from the troupe, and take a small stroll around the city grounds. Hope we meet again Ori! Farewell!" After that, he and Grimmchild vanished in a puff of red smoke.

We then continued the tour of the city. I showed Ori the nailsmith and some of the shops that resided around the place. Once we were finished, we all decided to sit on a bench to rest. Ori then told me about Hollow saying how I was a fierce shade. Hornet just stared at me. I wanted to tell Ori that I was friends with something that lurked in the voids, and I knew she would understand.

"Ori," I said, holding her hand. "Me, Hollow, and Hornet are friends with a being that lives in the voids. The place where I came from." Ori's ears drooped and looked at me in confusion. "And who is this being you speak of?" she asked. I leaned up into her ear and said, "The Lord of the Shades."

The Lights in the Dark(Ghost X Ori and HK fourth anniversary special!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant