chapter 11: dandelions

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"cause im in a field
of dandelions,
wishing on every one that
you'll be mine,
- ruth b

i picked at the discolored green grass on the ground, bringing some soil on the way out.

the day turned out sunny, quite opposite from yesterday. and what a day it had been, full of faults and surprises. and an unexpected life saving occurrence.

i couldn't really do anything after caspian's breakdown, neither could he. everyone was silent after that, others mourning or simply sleeping.

in my case, i slept until it was morning again. oddly enough i didn't have another dream, or memory, last night. im not sure if it was because i was so exhausted i could help myself to crave for that dream, or because i didnt drink the potion.

and something even worse, i cant rip out that image of me falling down out of my head. it's engraved.

i had woken up and i was sweating like crazy. my heart rate was a hundred miles per hour and i could only manage to stop it when i thought about my mother.

oh, my mother. i dont even want to imagine how worried she must be. for all i know, time in this universe might not even correlate to earth's time. one second here might be one hour there. could be the opposite.

caspian's father is dead, but i know how it feels to loose someone that you thought would be there forever with you. even if they're not actually dead.

i find it funny how, in my mind, miraz and my real father are the same. abandoned me for their son. i mean, it was impossible right? even in another universe i HAD to have these sort of...issues.

the sight of me sitting down and picking on grass could look questionable. i picked the spot on the right side of aslan's how outside where the most shade would cover me.

more than ever security was on high alert. nothing could actually hurt me while being outside. besides, i don't look like much of a threat. i look like a normal girl and nothing really sticks out.

i could hear footsteps approaching my way but my intergalactic senses already knew who it was.

"picking on the poor grass, huh? nothing better to do?"

ugh, edmund.

"no, actually. i have nothing better to do, any suggestions?"

edmund slid down the rock wall and plopped beside me.

"i don't know," he sighed. "i do have a few ideas but you probably wont be fond of them"

i turned to look at him, squinting my eyes. this sun is really bright. he was drawing small circles around the grass floor, twirling his fingers around and finally picking some grass.

"im all ears, sir"

he looked at me with an offended expression. "first of all," he sassed. "don't call me sir. second, does exploring the forest sound like a good adventure, madam?"

i laughed and caught on. "yes good sir, that sounds good"

he smiled ear to ear and got up, dusting himself off. he lended a hand to me but i quickly rejected it. "no thank you, im able to hold myself up"

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