chapter 10: unfair

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"caspian, can i enter?"

alexandria could hear sobs from inside caspian's room.

they had just came from king caspian IX's funeral and memorial. everyone had been in shock after they found out our king had passed due to natural causes. he seemed so healthy and happy when he was alive.

the whole kingdom was in tears and sobs, except for alexandria's father, lord miraz, who's king caspian IX's brother. he seemed serious, yes, but his expression underlied something more sinister. something alexandria didn't find out until later.

caspian, alexandria's cousin, wasn't himself for a couple of days, reasonably enough. he never shows his true feelings, if those happen to involve any kind of sadness or vulnerability. he wanted to stay positive and hopeful for everyone, especially alexandria.

she creaked open caspian's door slowly, making sure to not disturb him greatly. she stepped in and the first thing she could recognize was caspian sitting down on the edge of his bed with his elbows resting on his knees, hands on his face.

his and alex's relationship was one of the greatest within the monarchy itself. they treated themselves like siblings, having one another's backs if anything were to happen. true family. seeing caspian like that made her heart wrench.

she made her way and sat right beside him on the bed. although he tried repressing them back, a few sobs made their way out of him. she bit her lip contemplating her next move. she didn't want to strartle him.

alexandria placed an arm over him and rested her head on his shoulders.

"alexandria...promise me," he took his hands off his face and turned to look at her. his eyes were red and puffy from crying. his voice was shaky. "promise me you won't leave. you're the only person i have left. truly."

she took his face with her hands and searched for his eyes. "i promise, i'll be here .always".


"blair! come on! please wake up!"

my lungs screeched for air. my hands traveled across what i was laying on. it was soft, furry. my vision was hazy and in my head i thought i was still falling, for my hair was blowing with the wind.

i tried to move but sudden back pain made me reconsider my actions. this isn't the concrete floor i was supposed to have fallen to when miraz pushed me off the railings.

when i tried to speak i could only cough and my throat was sore. probably due to the screaming.

i focused and the sky met my eyes once again. it was night, although some rays of sunlight creeped over the horizon. i could feel my head laying on someone's lap which made me wonder, where am i?

my eyes searched and my gaze met with his.


my heart skipped a beat and i've never, and i mean NEVER been so happy to see someone like him. my face broke into a sad smile and i got stood up and threw myself at him, hugging him as hard as i could.

tears rolled down my face and i could hear him giggle as he hugged me back. i pulled away taking in his whole face. yes, it was edmund, with just a few cuts on his lips and cheeks.

he looked at me with a relieved expression but didn't say anything. i couldn't say anything either.

i looked down at our surroundings and my whole body flinched at the sight of us riding the giant eagle again. i had landed on this. my guess is i'll be pretty scared of heights from now on.

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